Empirically testing WD ages

In June 2022, a manuscript led by BUWD graduate student Tyler Heintz (Heintz, Hermes, El-Badry, et al. 2022) was accepted for publication that empirically tested the reliability of white dwarf stars as age indicators. This extensive work was funded by the NSF and used more than 1250 widely separated (>100 au) pairs of white dwarfs to quantify how accurate their ages are. On the whole, white dwarf ages agree to at least 25% using only existing survey data, but we can do better! We also found that roughly 21-36% of the wide WD+WD binaries had a more massive white dwarf that was hotter than the less massive white dwarf — so up to 1/3 of WD+WD may have arisen from merged triples! The work has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; a short thread on the discovery can be found here.

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