Author: Margot Menestrot

Network types: Shaped by Infomediation and Vertical Integration or by content?

Infomediation is defined as “the set of socio-technical mechanisms such as software, services, and infrastructure that provide internet users with all types of information online and connect them with users” (Smyrnaios, 2018). It is the way in which we access our information, which is being shaped more and more by oligopolies today.” This is because […]

How Personal Network Size Matters

Robin Dunbar argues that our ‘social brain’ is only capable of having networks of about 150 people (Rainie & Wellman, 2014). Some would argue this number is too small, and if you consider every person you have interacted with in your life that would be the case. However, not every person you have met will […]

Is the Television Still Revolutionary Today?

Over the years, a variety of fundamental communicative innovations have been introduced that have affected the world we live in. These have altered the means we use to communicate and expanded its ease, reach and possibility. One of these innovations is the television, a technology that changed our lives and the way in which we […]