Books and Book Chapters:
T. M.I. Stojanovic, M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, Sparsity and Compressed Sensing in Mono-static and Multi-static Radar Imaging, in Filtering from Undersampled Data with an Introduction to Compressed Sensing, A. Y. Carmi , L. S. Mihaylova and S. J. Godsill, eds, Springer, September, 2013.
W. C. Karl and E. L. Miller, “Digital Subsurfacing Imaging,” in Introduction to Subsurface Imaging, B. Saleh, ed, Cambridge University Press, December, 2010
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, and R. C. Chan, “Multisensor Data Inversion and Fusion Based on Shared Image Structure,” in Multi-sensor image fusion and its applications, R. S. Blum and Z. Liu, ed, CRC Press, 2005.
W. C. Karl, “Regularization in Reconstruction and Restoration,” in Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed, Academic Press Limited, Second Edition, May 2005.
W. C. Karl, “Regularization in Reconstruction and Restoration,” in Handbook of Image and Video Processing , A. Bovik, ed, Academic Press Limited, April, 2000.
Chin, M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “An Estimation-Theoretic Perspective on Image Processing and the Calculation of Optical Flow,” in Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing , M. Sezan and R. Lagendijk, eds, Kluwer, March 1993.
Journal Publications:
Celalettin Yurdakul, Oguzhan Avci, Alex Matlock, Alexander J. Devaux, Apoorva Sarode, Samir Mitragotri, Ekmel Ozbay, John H. Connor, W. Clem Karl, Lei Tian, and M. Selim Unlu. “High-throughput, high-resolution interferometric light microscopy of biological nanoparticles,” Nature: Light, Science, and Applications, submitted June 2019
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “Fast Enhanced CT Metal Artifact Reduction using Data Domain Deep Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, to appear 2019. (arXiv)
L. Martin, A. Tuysuzoglu, W. C. Karl, P. Ishwar, “Learning-based object identification and segmentation using dual-energy CT images for security,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 24, No. 11, Nov, 2015
T. B. Cilingiroglu, A. Uyar, A. Tuysuzoglu, W. C. Karl, J. Konrad, B. B. Goldberg, and M. S. Unlu, “Dictionary-based image reconstruction for superresolution in integrated circuit imaging,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 11, June 2015, pp. 15072-15087
A. Tuysuzoglu, W. C. Karl, I. Stojanovic, D. A. Castanon, and S. Unlu, “Graph-cut based Discrete-Valued Image Reconstruction,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp.1614-1627, May, 2015
S. Do, W. C. Karl, S. Singh, M. Kalra, T. Brady, E. Shin, H. Pien, “High Fidelity System Modeling for High Quality Image Reconstruction in Clinical CT,” PLoS ONE Vol 9, No. 11, 2014
Mujdat Cetin, Ivana Stojanovic, N. Ozben Onhon, Kush R. Varshney, Sadegh Samadi, W. Clem Karl, Alan S. Willsky, “Sparsity-Driven Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging,”IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Special Issue on Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, Vol. 31, No. 4, pg. 27-40, July, 2014.
I. Stojanovic, W. C. Karl, L. Novak, “Interrupted SAR persistent surveillance via group sparse reconstruction of multi-pass data,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Special Issue on Compressed Sensing for Radar, Vol. 50, No. 2, pg 987-1003, April, 2014
I. Stojanovic, M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, “Compressed Sensing of Monostatic and Multistatic SAR,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE , vol.10, no.6, pp.1444,1448, Nov. 2013
A. P. Reddington, J. T. Trueb, D. S. Freedman, A. Tuysuzoglu, G. G. Daaboul, C. A. Lopez, W. C. Karl, J. H. Connor, H. Fawcett, M. S. Unlu, “An Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor for Point of Care Viral Diagnostics,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.60, no.12, pp.3276,3283, Dec. 2013
A. Tuysuzoglu, J. M. Kracht, M. Cetin, R. Cleveland, W.C. Karl, “Sparsity Driven Ultrasound Imaging,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 131, No. 2, Feb. 2012.
S. Do, Z. Liang,W. C. Karl, T. Brady, H. Pien, ” A decomposition-based CT reconstruction formulation for reducing blooming artifacts,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 56, No. 22, Pg 7109, 2011
L. He, B. Orten, S. Do, W. C. Karl, A. Kambadakone, D. Sahani, H. Pien, “A Spatio-Temporal Deconvolution Method to Improve Perfusion CT Quantification,” IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Vol. 29, No. 5, Pg. 1182-1191, May 2010.
I. Stojanovic and W. C. Karl, “Imaging of moving targets with multistatic SAR using an overcomplete dictionary,” Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, special issue on MIMO Radar, Vol. 4, No. 1, Pg. 164-176, February 2010.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “A Real-Time Algorithm For The Approximation Of Level-Set-Based Curve Evolution,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 17, No. 5, Pg 645-656, May, 2008.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, “Unified Anomaly Suppression and Boundary Extraction in Laser Radar Range Imagery based on a Joint Curve-Evolution and Expectation-Maximization Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol 17, No. 5, pg 757-766, May 2008.
B. J. Davis, M. Dogan, B. B. Goldberg, W. C. Karl, M. S. Unlu, and A. K. Swan, “4Pi spectral self-interference microscopy,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24, pg. 3762-3771, 2007.
B. J. Davis, A. K. Swan, M. S. Unlu, W. C. Karl, B. B. Goldberg, J. C. Schotland, and P. S. Carney, “Spectral self-interference microscopy for low-signal nanoscale axial imaging,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24, pg. 3587-3599, 2007.
M. Mendillo, S. Laurent, J. Wilson, J. Baumgardner, J. Konrad, and W. C. Karl, “The sources of sodium escaping from Io revealed by spectral high definition imaging,” Nature, Vol. 448, pg. 330-332, July 2007.
N. Aggarwal, and W. C. Karl, “Line Detection in Images through Regularized Hough Transform,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pg. 582-591, March, 2006.
Maros Ferencik, Jennifer B. Lisauskas, Ricardo C. Cury, Udo Hoffmann, Suhny Abbara, Stephan Achenbach, W. Clem Karl, Thomas J. Brady, Raymond C. Chan, “Improved vessel morphology measurements in contrast-enhanced multi-detector computed tomography coronary angiography with non-linear post-processing,” European Journal of Radiology, Vol. 57, pg. 380-383, March, 2006.
W. C. Karl and H. Pien, “High-Resolution Biosensor Spectral Peak Shift Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. No. 12, pg 4631-4639, Dec, 2005.
Chan, R.C., A.H. Chau, W.C. Karl, S. Nadkarni, A.S. Khalil, N. Iftimia, M. Shishkov, G.J. Tearney, M.R. Kaazempur-Mofrad, and B.E. Bouma, “OCT-based arterial elastography: robust estimation exploiting tissue biomechanics“. Optics Express, 2004. 12(19): p. 4558-4572.
B. J. Davis, W. C. Karl, A. K. Swan, M. S. Unlu, and B. B. Goldberg, “Capabilities and limitations of pupil-plane filters for super-resolution and image enhancement,” Opt. Express Vol. 12, No. 17, 4150-4156, August, 2004.
A. K. Swan, L. Moiseev, C. R. Cantor, B. Davis, S. B. Ippolito, W.C. Karl, B. B. Goldberg and M. S. Unlu, “Towards nanometer-scale resolution in fluorescence microscopy using spectral self-interference,” IEEE Journal on selected topics in quantum electronics (JSTQE) special issue on “Lasers in medicine and biology,” Vol. 9, No. 2, pgs 294-300, March/April 2003.
R. Weisenseel and W. C. Karl, R. C. Chan, and T. J. Brady, “A Variational Approach to Multi-modality Subsurface Data Inversion and Fusion Based on Shared Image Structure,” Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications, Vol.4, No.4, pgs 373-392, October 2003.
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, and D. A. Castanon, “Feature enhancement and ATR performance using nonquadratic optimization-based SAR imaging,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems,Vol. 39, No. 4, pg. 1375-1395, October 2003.
V. Galdi, H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, L. B. Felsen,“Moderately Rough Surface Underground Imaging via Short-Pulse Quasi-Ray Gaussian Beams,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 9, pg. 2304-2318, Sept. 2003.
V. Galdi, J. Pavlovich, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, L. B. Felsen,“Moderately Rough Dielectric Interface Profile Reconstruction via Short-Pulse Quasi-Ray Gaussian Beams,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 3, pg. 672-677, March, 2003.
H. Feng, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, “A Curve Evolution Approach to Object-Based Tomographic Reconstruction” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg, 44-57, January 2003.
V. Galdi, H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, L. B. Felsen,“Multifrequency Subsurface Sensing in the Presence of a Moderately Rough Air-Soil Interface via Quasi-Ray Gaussian Beams,” Radio Science, Vol. 38, No. 2, VIC 8-1-VIC 8-12, December 2002.
M. Desai, R. Mangoubi, J. Shah, W. Karl, H. Pien, A. Worth , and D. Kennedy, “Functional MRI Activity Characterization Using Response Time Shift Estimates from Curve Evolution,” IEEE Transaction son Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 11, pg. 1402-1412, November 2002.
W. S. Hoge, E. L. Miller, H. Lev-Ari, D. H. Brooks, W. C. Karland L. P. Panych, “An Efficient Region of Interest Acquisition Method for Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 10, No. 74, pg.1118-1128, July 2001.
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “Feature-enhanced synthetic aperture radar image formation based on non-quadratic regularization,”IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 10, No. 4,pg. 623-631, April, 2001.
R. Chan, W. C. Karl, and R. S. Lees, “A new model-based technique for enhanced small vessel measurements in X-ray cine-angiograms,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 19, No. 3, pg.243-255, March, 2000.
A. Kannan, M. Ostendorf, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, R. K. Fish,“ML Parameter Estimation of a Multiscale Stochastic Process using theEM Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 6 pg. 1836-1847, June, 2000.
M. K. Schneider, P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky,“Multiscale Statistical Methods for the Segmentation and Reconstruction of Signals and Images,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 3, Pg. 456-468, March, 2000.
S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, S. G. Mallat, and A. S. Willsky,“Silhouette Recognition using High Resolution Pursuit,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 23, No. 5., pg. 753-771, May, 1999.
F. Kamalabadi, W. C. Karl, J. L. Semeter, D. M. Cotton, T. A.Cook, S. Chakrabarti, “A Statistical framework for space-based EUV ionospheric tomography,” Radio Science, Vol. 34, No. 2,pp. 437-447, March/April, 1999.
S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, S. Mallat, and A. S. Willsky, “High Resolution Pursuit for Feature Extraction,” Applied Computational and Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 5, No. 4, pg 428-449,October, 1998.
A. Frakt, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Multiscale Hypothesis Testing Approach to Anomaly Detection and Localization from Noisy Tomographic Data,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 7, No. 6, pg 825-837, June, 1998.
P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, and, A. S. Willsky, “Efficient Multi-resolution Counterparts to Variational Methods for Surface Reconstruction,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 70, No. 2, pg 157-176, May, 1998.
W. C. Karl, D. N. Kennedy, A. J. Worth, H. H. Pien, A. S. Willsky,“Processing of MR Images of the Human Brain,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Special issue on Processing of MRI Imagery, Vol. 11, No. 8, pg. 1157-1160,December, 1997.
J. Kaufhold, M. K. Schneider, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A statistical method for efficient segmentation of MR imagery,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Special issue on Processing of MRI Imagery, Vol. 11,No. 8, pg. 1213-1231, December, 1997.
M. Bhatia, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Tomographic Reconstruction and Estimation Based on Multiscale Natural-Pixel Bases,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 6, No. 3,pp. 463-478, March 1997.
C. H. Fosgate, H. Krim, W. W. Irving, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky,“Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing special issue on Automatic Target Recognition, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 7-20, January, 1997.
L. Belcastro, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Tomographic Reconstruction of Polygons from Knot Location and Chord Length Measurements,” Graphical Models and Image Processing, Vol. 58, No. 3,pp. 233-245, May, 1996.
W. C. Karl, S. R. Kulkarni, G. C. Verghese, andA. S. Willsky, “Local Tests for Consistency of Support Hyperplane Data,” Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision special issue on Topology and Geometry in Computer Vision, Vol. 6, No. 2/3,Pg. 249-267, June, 1996.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Moment-Based Variational Approach to Tomographic Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 459-470,March, 1996.
R. W. Stadler, W. C. Karl, and R. S. Lees, “The Application of Echo Tracking Methods to Endothelium-Dependent Vasoreactivity and Arterial Compliance Measurements,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 22: No. 1, pp. 35-42, 1996.
R. W. Stadler, W. C. Karl, and R. S. Lees, “New Methods for Arterial Diameter Measurement from B-Mode Images,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 25-34, 1996.
M. Bhatia, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Wavelet-Based Method for Multiscale Tomographic Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 92-101, February, 1996.
S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Estimation of Dynamically Evolving Ellipsoids with Applications to Medical Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 14,No. 2, pp. 249-258, June, 1995.
P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, and C. Wunsch,“Multiresolution Optimal Interpolation and Statistical Analysis of TOPEX/POSEIDON Satellite Altimetry,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 280-292,March, 1995.
P. Milanfar, G. C. Verghese, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky,“Reconstructing Polygons from Moments with Connections to Array Processing,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 43,No. 2, pp. 432-443, February, 1995.
T. M. Chin, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Distributed and Iterative Method for Square Root Filtering in Space-Time Estimation,” Automatica, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 67-82, January, 1995.
T. M. Chin, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Probabilistic and Sequential Computation of Optical Flow using Temporal Coherence,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 773-788, November, 1994.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Reconstructing Binary Polygonal Objects from Projections: A Statistical View,” Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Graphical Models and Image Processing, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 371-391, September, 1994.
W. C. Karl, G. C. Verghese, and A. S. Willsky, “Reconstructing Ellipsoids from Projections,” Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Graphical Models and Image Processing , Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 124-139, March, 1994.
M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Efficient Multiscale Regularization with Applications to the Computation of Optical Flow,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 41-64, January 1994.
W. C. Karl, G. C. Verghese, and J. H. Lang, “Control of Vibrational Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 222-226, January, 1994.
M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, and R. R. Tenney, “Multiscale Representations of Markov Random Fields,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing special issue on Wavelets and Signal Processing, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 3377-3396, December 1993.
W. C. Karl and G. C. Verghese, “A Sufficient Condition for the Stability of Interval Matrix Polynomials,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Special Issue on Meeting the Challenge of Computer Science in the Industrial Applications of Control), Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 1139-1143, July 1993.
T. M. Chin, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Sequential Filtering for Multi-Frame Visual Reconstruction,” Signal Processing, special issue on Multidimensional Signal Processing, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 311-333, September 1992.
W. C. Karl, S. Leeb, L. Jones, J. Kirtley, and G. C. Verghese, “Applications of Rank-Based Median Filters in Power Electronics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 437-443, July 1992.
W. C. Karl and G. C. Verghese, “Curvatures of Surfaces and Their Shadows,” Linear Algebra and its Applications (Special Issue on Image Reconstruction from Projections), Vol. 130, pp. 231-255, March, 1990.
W. C. Karl and G. C. Verghese, “Comments on `Robust Stability in Linear State Space Models,’ ” International Journal of Control , Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 1093, 1989.
W. C. Karl and G. C. Verghese, “Comments on `Sufficient and Necessary Condition for the Asymptotic Stability of Discrete Linear Interval systems,’ ” International Journal of Control , Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 2159-2160, November, 1988.
W. C. Karl, J. Greschak, and G. C. Verghese, “Comments on `A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Stability of Discrete Linear Interval Systems,’ ” International Journal of Control , Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 849-851, 1984
Conference Papers
Nishant Mohan, Ivana Stojanovic, W. Clem Karl, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Malvin C. Teich, Compressed sensing in optical coherence tomography, Proc. SPIE 7570, San Francisco CA, February 2010.
S. Do, W. C. Karl, M. K. Kalra, T. J. Brady, and H. Pien, Clinical low dose CT image reconstruction using high-order total variation techniques, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7622, p. 76225D, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010.
S. Do, W. C. Karl, M. K. Kalra, T. J. Brady, and H. Pien, “A variational approach for reconstructing low dose images in clinical helical CT, IEEE International Symposium Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 784-787, 2010
W. C. Karl, “Object-based tomography for joint segmentation and reconstruction, Invited talk, Tomography in Materials Science Workshop, Dayton, OH, Dec 13-15, 2010.
L. Eger, W. C. Karl, P. Ishwar, H. Pien, “Classification-aware dimensionality reduction methods for explosives detection using multi-energy X-ray computed tomography, in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, I. Pollak, P. J. Wolfe, editors, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7873, SPIE, San Francisco, CA, January 23-27, 2011.
S. Do, M. K. M. D. Kalra, H. Pien, S. Sarabjeet, W. C. Karl, T. Brady, “High-order noise analysis for low dose iterative image reconstruction: ASIR, IRIS, and MBAI, SPIE Physics of Medical Imaging, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, 12-17 February 2011
S. Do, W. C. Karl, and H. Pien, A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Accelerating CT Reconstructions and Improving Low-Dose Image Quality, IEEE International Symposium Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago, Il, May 2011.
S. Ambwani, W. C. Karl, A. Tawakol and H. Pien, “Joint cardiac and respiratory motion correction and super-resolution reconstruction in coronary PET/CT, IEEE International Symposium Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago, Il, May 2011.
I.Stojanovic, N.Mohan, B. Vakoc, W.C. Karl, “Fast angiographic OCT imaging using sparse representations over learned dictionaries, IEEE International Symposium Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago, Il, May 2011.
L. Eger, S. Do, P. Ishwar, W. C. Karl, H. Pien, “A Learning Based Approach to Explosives Detection Using Multi-Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography,. Proc. 2011 IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
B. B. Orten, P. Ishwar, W. C. Karl, V. Saligrama and H. Pien, Sensing-Aware Classification with High-Dimensional Data. Proc. 2011 IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011.
A. Tuysuzoglu, I. Stojanovic, D. Castanon, W.C. Karl, “Graph cut method for linear inverse problems, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, NL, September 11-14, 2011.
B. Orten, P. Ishwar, W. C. Karl, and V. Saligrama, Sensing structure in learning-based binary classification of high-dimensional data, in Proc. 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2830, 2011, [Invited paper in special session on distributed inference in sensor networks]
I. Stojanovic, H. Pien, S. Do, W. C. Karl, “Low-Dose X-Ray CT Reconstruction Based on Joint Sinogram Smoothing and Learned Dictionary-Based Representation, IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5, 2012.
Y. Zhang, W. C. Karl, G. V. Der Wilden, P. Fagenholz, J. Romero, V. Noble, H. Pien, “Automated 3-D Untraocular Ultrasound Detection of Elevated Intracranial Pressure, IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5, 2012.
A. Tuysuzoglu and W. C. Karl, “A Graph-Cut Method for Tomographic Reconstruction, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Special Session on Signal Processing for Materials Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August, 2012
Z. Sun; W. C. Karl; P. Ishwar; V. Saligrama, Sensing Aware Dimensionality Reduction for Nearest Neighbor Classification of High Dimensional Signals, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Special Session on Signal Processing for Materials Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 5-8, 2012
A. Tuysuzoglu, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, S. Unlu, Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation of Electron tomography data, in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, I. Pollak, P. J. Wolfe, editors, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8657, SPIE, San Francisco, CA, February 3-7, 2013.
M. H. Rohban, P. Ishwar, B. Orten, W. C. Karl, V. Saligrama, An Impossibility Result for High Dimensional Supervised Learning, submitted to IEEE Int. Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT) Jan. 2013.
K M. Brown, T. Hoehler, F. Bergner, R. Bippus, B. Brendel, S. Zabic, W. C. Karl, S. Singh, A. Padole,
S. Do, Sparse Sampling for CT Dose Reduction, Submitted to the 12th Intl. Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Lake Tahoe, CA, June 16-21, 2013.
S. Do, W. C. Karl, T. Brady, G. El Fahkri, R. Gupta, A Non-Uniform Super-Resolution Compressive Sampling Method for Tomographic Imaging, Submitted to the 12th Intl. Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Lake Tahoe, CA, June 16-21, 2013.
A. Tuysuzoglu, D. Castanon, W. C. Karl, “Graph-cut methods for joint reconstruction and segmentation,” Invited talk at the CIMI workshop “Optimization and Statistics in Image Processing” 24 – 28 June 2013, Toulouse
L. Novak, I. Stojanovic, and W. C. Karl, “Interrupted SAR Persistent Surveillance Via Joint Sparse Reconstruction of Multi-Pass Data,” in Proc. SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 8-12, 2013.
L. Martin, W. C. Karl and P. Ishwar, “Structure-preserving Dual-energy CT for Luggage Screening,” Proc. 2014 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.
W. Ding, P. Ishwar, V. Saligrama, W. C. Karl, “Sensing-aware kernel SVM,” Proc. 2014 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.
L. Martin, A. Tuysuzoglu, P. Ishwar, W. C. Karl, “Joint metal artifact reduction and material discrimination in X-ray CT using a learning-based graph-cut method,” in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, editors, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9020, SPIE, San Francisco, CA, February 5-6, 2014.
L. Martin, W. C. Karl and P. Ishwar, “Artifact reduction in dual-energy CT reconstruction for security applications,” Proc. of The Third International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, special session on security, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 22-25, 2014
S. Do and W. C. Karl, “Sinogram Sparsified Metal Artifact Reduction Technology (SSMART),” Proc. of The Third International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, special session on security, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 22-25, 2014
T. B. Cilingiroglu, W. C. Karl, J. Konrad, M. D. Grogan, A. Yurt, A. Tuysuzoglu, B. B. Goldberg, and M. S. Ünlü, “Resolution Improvement through Sparse Image Reconstruction Techniques for Darkfield Subsurface Microscopy of Integrated Circuits,” 40th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, November 2014
T Berkin Cilingiroglu, Mahmoud Zangeneh, Aydan Uyar, W Clem Karl, Janusz Konrad, Ajay Joshi, Bennett B Goldberg, M Selim Unlu, “Dictionary-based sparse representation for resolution improvement in laser voltage imaging of CMOS integrated circuits,” Proceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation \& Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, pg. 597-600, 2015.
Z. Sun, W. C. Karl, D. Castanon, “Enhancing Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence with Coded Aperture for Security Based Imaging,” in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, editors, Proc. of Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, February 14-18, 2016.
Z. Sun, W. C. Karl, D. Castanon, “Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence with Coded Aperture,” in International Conference on Computational Photography 2016, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, May 13-15, 2016
W. C. Karl, “Discrete-Valued Computational Imaging — Joint Inversion and Labeling,” Gordon Research Conference: Image Science in Sequence: From Detection to Decision, June 5-10, 2016, Easton, MA
T. Montgomery, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, “Performance Estimation for Threat Detection in CT Systems,” Anomaly Detection and Imaging with X-Rays (ADIX), Proc. SPIE, Vol. 10187, SPIE, Los Angeles, CA, April 9-13, 2017.
A. Tuysuzoglu, Y. Khoo, W. Clem Karl, “Fast and robust discrete computational imaging,” in \emph{Computational Imaging}, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, editors, Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 29-Feburary 2, 2017.
A. Tuysuzoglu, Y. Khoo, W. Clem Karl, U. Ghani, “Fast and Robust Discrete Computational Imaging”, in International Conference on Computational Photography 2017, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, May 12-14, 2017
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “Deep learning based sinogram correction for metal artifacts reduction,” in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, editors, Proc. of Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 28-Feburary 2, 2018.
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “Learning-based methods for CT correction”, in International Conference on Computational Photography 2018, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 4-6, 2018
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “Deep Learning-Based Sinogram Completion for Low-Dose CT,” 2018 IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Workshop, Zagori, Aristi Village Greece 10-12 June 2018
M. U. Ghani, and W. C. Karl, “Deep learning in artifact reduction for medical imaging,” Gordon Research Conference: Creating Knowledge from Imaging Data, Easton, MA, June 17-22, 2018
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “CNN based Sinogram Denoising for Low-Dose CT,” in Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, Orlando, FL, 25-28 June, 2018.
M. U. Ghani and W. C. Karl, “Learning to Make Images,” Invited Keynote talk in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, editors, Proc. of Electronic Imaging, 13 – 17 January, 2019, Burlingame, CA.
Synho Do, Sanghee Cho, W. Clem Karl, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Thomas J. Brady, and Homer Pien, “CT system response models in iterative reconstruction algorithms for low-dose imaging,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Beijing, China, 2009
L. He, B. B. Orten, S. Do, W. C. Karl, A. Kambadakone, D. V. Sahani, and H. Pien, “Spatio-Temporall Deconvolution of Perfusion CT Data in Rectal Tumor Patients,” 2009 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Boston MA, June, 2009.
Sonal Ambwani, Sanghee Cho, W. Clem Karl, Ahmed Tawakol, and Homer Pien, “A feasibility study of joint respiratory and cardiac motion correction for coronary PET/CT imaging.” 2009 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Boston MA, June, 2009.
Synho Do, Sanghee Cho, W. Clem Karl, Mannudeep K Kalra, Thomas J. Brady, and Homer Pien, “Accurate Model-Based High Resolution Cardiac Image Reconstruction in Dual source CT,” 2009 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Boston MA, June, 2009.
Ivana Stojanovic, W. Clem Karl, Mujdat Cetin, “Compressed sensing of monostatic and mulitistatic SAR,” Proceedings of SPIE: Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XVI, Vol. 7337, April, 14-16, 2009.
Ivana Stojanovic, W. Clem Karl, “An overcomplete dictionary approach to imaging of moving targets with multistatic SAR ,” Compressive Sensing Workshop, Duke University, Feb 25-26, 2009.
S. Do, M. K. Kalra, Z. Liang, W. C. Karl, T. J. Brady, H. Pien, “Noise properties of iterative reconstruction techniques in low-dose CT scans,” Proceedings of SPIE: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 7258, Lake Buena Vista, FL, February, 7-12, 2009.
Michael J. King, Bruce Black, Bernard Harris, Michael Hynes, Richard Lanza, W. Clem Karl, David Castanon, “Cooperative Semi-Autonomous Mobile Networked Sensors for Enhanced Location of Radiological Threats,” 9th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, 2008.
Zhuangli Liang, Synho Do, W. Clem Karl, Thomas Brady, Homer Pien, “Analysis and Mitigation of Calcium Artifacts in Multidetector CT,” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, FR, May, 2008.
Ivana Stojanovic, W. Clem Karl, Mujdat Cetin, “Joint space-aspect reconstruction of wide-angle SAR exploiting sparsity,” Proceedings of SPIE: Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Vol. 6970, March, 17-18, 2008.
Burkay B. Orten, W. Clem Karl, Dushant V. Sahani, Homer H. Pien, “A new deconvolution approach to perfusion imaging exploiting spatial correlation,” Proceedings of SPIE: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, Vol. 6916, February, 17-19, 2008.
Zhuangli Liang, Synho Do, W. Clem Karl, Thomas J. Brady, Homer H. Pien, “Cardiac CT artifact mitigation through decomposition-based image reconstruction,” Proceedings of SPIE: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 6913, February, 18-21, 2008.
Synho Do, Zhuangli Liang, William Clem Karl, Thomas Brady, Homer Pien, “A projection-driven pre-correction technique for iterative reconstruction of helical cone-beam cardiac CT images,” Proceedings of SPIE: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 6913, February, 18-21, 2008.
Z. Liang, S. Do, W. C. Karl, U. Hoffmann, T. J. Brady, H. Pien, “Calcium de-blooming of coronary CT images,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2007, 257-62.
Brynmor J. Davis, P. Scott Carney, Anna K. Swan, M. Selim Unlu, W. Clem Karl and Bennett B. Goldberg, “Fluorescence Imaging with Nanometer Precision using Spectral Self-Interference Microscopy,” 3rd International Conference on Electromagnetic Near-Field Characterization and Imaging (ICONIC), St. Louis, MO, June 27-29, 2007.
Brynmor J. Davis, William C. Karl, Anna K. Swan, M. Selim Unlu, Bennett B. Goldberg, “Making Use of Rejected Light – Improved Imaging with Multi-Channel Detection in Confocal and 4Pi Microscopy,” Proceedings of Optical Society of America, Frontiers in Optics 2006/Laser Science XXII, Rochester, New York. October 8-12, 2006.
A. Litvin, W. C. Karl, J. Shah, “Shape and appearance modeling with feature distributions for image segmentation,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, VA, April 6–9, 2006.
Julia Pavlovich, W. Clem Karl, Bahaa E.A. Saleh, A.V. Sergienko, M.C. Teich, “Parameter Estimation in Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography,” Proc. Optical Society of America Meeting, 2005.
B. J. Davis, M. S. Unlu, A. K. Swan, B. B. Goldberg, W. C. Karl, “Using Multi-Element Detectors to Create Optimal Apertures in Confocal Microscopy,” The 18th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2005 (LEOS 2005), Pg. 547-548, Oct. 23-27, 2005.
H. Feng, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, “LADAR Range Image Segmentation using Curve Evolution and Maximum Likelihood Estimation,” Proc. of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, October 30-November 2, 2005.
A. Litvin and W. C. Karl, “Coupled shape distribution-based segmentation of multiple objects,” Proceeding of 19th Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2005), Glenwood Springs, Colorado, July 10-15, 2005.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Real-time tracking using level sets”, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005 (CVPR 2005), Volume 2, Pgs. 34-41, June 20-25, 2005.
B. Davis, W. C. Karl, B. B. Goldberg, A. K. Swan, and M. S. Unlu, “Using out-of-focus light to improve image acquisition time in confocal microscopy,” Proceedings of SPIE: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XII, Vol. 5701, March 2005
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “A fast level set method without solving PDEs,” Proc. 2005 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pg. II-97-II-100, Philadelphia, March 20-23, 2005. Student Paper Award Winner.
K. Dionisio, R. Chan, W. C. Karl, L. W. Campbell, R. S. Lees, “Three-Dimensional Characterization of Carotid Plaque Structure and Deformation with Non-Invasive Ultrasound Imaging,” Computers in Cardiology 2004, Chicago, IL, Sept 20-22, 2004.
Laurent, S., M. Mendillo, J. Wilson, J. Baumgardner, W. C. Karl, and J. Konrad, “Design of a high definition imaging (HDI) analysis technique adapted to challenging environments,” Proc. SPIE Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2004.
B. J. Davis, W. C. Karl, B. B. Goldberg, A. K.Swan, M. S. Unlu, “Sampling below the Nyquist rate in interferometric fluorescence microscopy with multi-wavelength measurements to remove aliasing,” IEEE 11th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 2004, pg. 329-333, Aug 1-4, 2004.
V. Saligrama, Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Performance Guarantees in Sensor Networks,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Montreal, pg. II-269-II-272, May 17-21, 2004.
A. Litvin and W. C. Karl, “Using Shape Distributions as Priors in a Curve Evolution Framework,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Montreal, pg. III-25-III-28, May 17-21, 2004.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Shape reconstruction for unorganized points with a data-driven level set methods,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pg. III-13-III-16, Montreal, May 17-21, 2004.
B. B. Goldberg, A. K. Swan, L. Moiseev, M. Dogan, W. C. Karl, B. Davis, C. R. Cantor, S. B. Ippolito, S. A. Thorne, M. G. Eraslan, Z. Liu, M. B. Goldberg, M. S. Onlu, “Seeing inside chips and cells: high-resolution subsurface imaging of integrated circuits, quantum dots and subcellular structures,” International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC), Pgs. 580-581, 16-21 May 2004.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Tomographic Reconstruction of Multiple Dynamic Objects,” Proc. 2004 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 3-5, 2004.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Differentiable Minimin Shape Distance for Maintaining Topology in Curve Evolution,” Proc. 2004 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 3-5, 2004.
R. Chan, A. Chau, S. Nadkarni, W. C. Karl, N. Iftimia, G. J. Tearney, B. E. Bouma, “A variational framework for tissue velocimetry in vascular optical coherence elastography,” Optical Society of America Biomedical Topical Meetings 2004, Miami Beach, FL., April 14-17, 2004.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Differentiable minimin shape distance for incorporating topological priors in biomedical imaging,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pg. 1247-1250, Arlington, VA, 15-18 April, 2004.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Level-set methods for dynamic tomography,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pg. 620-623, Arlington, VA, 15-18 April, 2004.
B. J. Davis, W. C. Karl, A. K. Swan, B. B. Goldberg, M. S. Unluand M. B. Goldberg, “Reconstruction of objects with a limited number of non-zero components in fluorescence microscopy,” in Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XI, J.-A. Conchello, C. J. Cogswell and T. Wilson eds., Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5324, 2004
Y. Shi. J. Konrad, and W. C. Karl, “Multiple Motion and Occlusion Segmentation with A Multiphase Level Set Method,” Proc. SPIE 5308, Visual Communications and Image Processing, 18 January 2004.
A. Litvin and W. C. Karl, “Using shape distributions as priors in a curve evolution framework,” in Computational Imaging, Proc. SPIE 5299, Computational Imaging II, 21 May 2004.
W. C. Karl and H. Pien, “High-Resolution Biosensor Spectral PeakShift Estimation,” Proc. of the Thirty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, % Vol. 1, Pg 906-910, November 3-6, 2003.
S. Venkatesh and W. C. Karl, “A semidefinite programming approach to source localization,” Proc. of the Thirty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 1, Pg 906-910, November 3-6, 2003.
A. Litvin and W. C. Karl, “Levelset based segmentation using data driven shape prior on feature histograms,” 2003 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, St. Louis, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 2003
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “A Multiphase Level Set method for tomographic reconstruction of dynamic objects,” 2003 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, St. Louis, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 2003
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “An Edge-Preserving Regularization Method for Coherent Imaging Applications,” IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003 (in Turkish).
S. Chakrabarti, T. Cook, K. Wilton, D. Ghosh Roy, W. C. Karl,“Use of Tomography for Spectral Imaging in the SPIDR Mission,”Proceedings of the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Sydney, Australia, 13-26 July, 2003.
V. Galdi, H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, L.B. Felsen, “Some Applications of Curve-Evolution Techniques To Inverse Scattering,” invited lecture at the 2003 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/CNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, June 22-27, 2003 (Presentation only)
Y. Shi and W. Karl, “Object-based Dynamic Tomography,” invited lecture at the 2003 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/CNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, June 22-27, 2003
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Tomographic Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects,” in Computational Imaging, C. A. Bouman and R. L.Stevenson editors, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5016, SPIE, Santa Clara, CA, January 20-24, 2003.
C. L. Baird, B. Lin, J. Gerstenmeier, B. Cunningham, P. Li, J. Qiu,W. C. Karl, “A Novel Biosensor for High-Throughput, Label-Free Small Molecule Detection,” Keystone Symposium A3: New Advances in Drug Discovery, Park City, Utah, Jan 7-12, 2003.
Y. Shi, W. C. Karl, and D. Castanon, “Dynamic Object-Based Tomographic Reconstruction,” Proc. of the Thirty-Sixth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 1, Pg 906-910, November 3-6, 2002.
R. C. Chan, W. C. Karl, R. S. Lees, “Robust Estimation of Arterial Strain from Non-Invasive Carotid Ultrasound Images,” Proceedings of 24th Annual Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (EMBS/BMES Conference), Vol. 2, pg. 1313-1314, Oct. 2002.
M. Saeed and W. C. Karl, “Image Segmentation Utilizing Wavelet-Based Spatially Adaptive Kernels,” Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, p.777-780, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Edge-Preserving Image Reconstruction for Coherent Imaging Applications,” Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, Vol. 2, p. 481-484, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, and R. Chan, “Shared-boundary fusion for estimation of noisy multi-modality atherosclerotic plague imagery,” Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, p. 157-160, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
Y. Shi, W. C. Karl, and D. A. Castanon, “Dynamic Tomography Using Curve Evolution With Spatial-Temporal Regularization,” Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester,NY, Vol. 2, pg. 629-632, Sept. 22-25, 2002.
M. Desai, R Mangoubi, D. Kennedy, J. Shah, C. Karl, A. Worth, N. Markis, “Diffusion tensor model based smoothing“, Proc. IEEE Conf. On Medical Imaging, pg. 705-708, July 7-10, 2002, Washington DC
V. Galdi, H. Feng, J. Pavlovich, D.A. Castanon, W.C. Karl, andL.B. Felsen, “Narrow-waisted Gaussian beam algorithms as efficient solvers for imaging in complex propagation environments,” XXVII URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Aug. 17-24, 2002(invited paper).
M. Desai, D. Kennedy, R. Mangoubi, J. Shah, W. C. Karl, N.Markis, A. Worth, “Diffusion tensor model based smoothing,”Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Pg 705-708, Washington, DC, July 7-10, 2002.
V. Galdi, J. Pavlovich, W.C. Karl, D.A. Castanon, and L.B. Felsen,“Adaptive approaches to rough surface underground imaging I:Interface profile reconstruction,” 2002 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2002), Cambridge, MA, July 1-5, 2002(invited paper).
V. Galdi, H. Feng, D.A. Castanon, W.C. Karl, and L.B. Felsen,“Adaptive approaches to rough surface underground imaging II: Target reconstruction,” 2002 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS 2002), Cambridge, MA, July 1-5, 2002 (invited paper).
J. Pavlovich, W.C. Karl, V. Galdi, D.A. Castanon and L.B. Felsen,“3-D physics based underground imaging via edge-preserving regularization,” 2002 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2002), Cambridge, MA, July 1-5, 2002 (invited paper).
V. Galdi, H. Feng, J. Pavlovich, D.A. Castanon, W.C. Karl, and L.B. Felsen, “Quasi-ray Gaussian beam algorithms for subsurface sensing in the presence of a moderately rough air-soil interface,”2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Int. Symposium, San Antonio, TX, p.765-768, June 16-21, 2002 (invited paper).
A. Litvin and W. C. Karl, “Image segmentation based on prior probabilistic shape models,” Proc. 2002 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 4,pg. 3572-3575, May 13-17, 2002.
Y. Shi and W. C. Karl, “Dynamic Tomography With Curve Evolution Methods,” Proc. 2002 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 4, pg. 3229-3232,May 13-17, 2002.
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl and D. A. Castanon, “Formation of HRR Profiles by Non-Quadratic Optimization for Improved Feature Extraction,” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery IX, E. G. Zelnio editor, Proc. SPIE , SPIE, Orlando,April 1-5, 2002.
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl and D. A. Castanon, “Analysis of the Impact of Feature-Enhanced SAR Imaging on ATR Performance,” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery IX, E. G. Zelnio editor, Proc. SPIE, SPIE, Orlando, April 1-5, 2002.
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “Complex-valued image reconstruction by half-quadratic regularization,”, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, MA, March 4-6, 2002.
A. K. Swan, L. Moiseev, Y. Tong, S. Lipoff, W. C. Karl, B. B.Goldberg, M. S. Unlu, “High resolution spectral self- interference fluorescence microscopy,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing IX, Vol. 4621, pg. 77-85, San Jose, CA, 22-23 Jan. 2002.
J. Pavlovich, V. Galdi, W.C. Karl, D.A. Castanon, and L.B.Felsen, “Time-domain reconstruction of moderately rough dielectric interfaces via quasi-ray Gaussian beams,” Proc. 2001 IEEE Antennas and Propagat. Int. Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. II, pg.682-685, July 8-13, 2001.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, “A curve evolution approach for image segmentation using adaptive flows,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Vision, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 2, Pg. 494-499, July 9-12, 2001.
V. Galdi, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and L. B. Felsen,“Approaches to Underground Imaging for Object Localization,” in Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets VI, A. C. Dubey, J. F. Harvey, J. T. Broach, and V. George editors, Proc. SPIE V 4394, SPIE, Orlando, FL, pp. 1082-1091, April 16-20, 2001.
W. S. Hoge, E. L. Miller, D. H. Brooks, L. P. Panych, and W. Clem Karl, “An Adaptive Image Estimate Framework for Low Order Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” Proc. IEEE DSP Workshop, Hunt, TX, October 15-18, 2000.
R. C. Chan, J. Kaufhold, W. C. Karl, L. C. Hemphill, and R. S.Lees, “Anisotropic edge-preserving smoothing carotid B-mode ultrasound for improved segmentation and intima-media thickness measurement,” Proc. of Computers in Cardiology 2000, Cambridge, MA., pg 37-40, 24-27 September 2000.
R. C. Chan, J. Kaufhold, W. C. Karl, R. S. Lees, and D. A. Castanon,“A variational energy approach for estimating vascular structure and deformation from B-mode ultrasound imagery,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 1, pg 160-163, 10-13 September 10-13 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, and E. L. Miller,“Object-Based Reconstruction Using Coupled Tomographic Flows,” Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 2, pg625-628, September 10-13, 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, “A Statistical Approach to Rough Surface Underground Imaging,” Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-13, 2000.
S. Oraintara, W.C. Karl, D.A. Castanon, and T.Q. Nguyen, “A Method for Choosing the Regularization Parameter in Generalized Tikhonov Regularized Linear Inverse Problems,” Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 1, pg 93-96, September 10-13, 2000.
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, and D. A. Castanon, “A Region-Based Alternative for Edge-Preserving Smoothing,” Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 3, pg 778-781, September 10-13, 2000.
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “Super-resolution and edge-preserving reconstruction of complex-valued synthetic aperture radar images, “Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 1, pg 701-704, September 10-13, 2000.
N. Aggarwal and W. C. Karl, “Line detection in images through regularized Hough transform,” Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Vol. 3, pg 873-876, September 10-13, 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, and W. C. Karl, “Tomographic Reconstruction Using Curve Evolution,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2000, Hilton Head, SC, Vol. 1, pg 361-366, June 13-15, 2000.
Mujdat Cetin and W. Clem Karl, “Enhanced, High Resolution Radar Imaging based on Robust Regularization,” Proc. 2000 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 4, pg 2278-2281, June, 2000.
M. Cetin, W. C. Karl, and D. A. Castanon, “Evaluation of a regularized SAR imaging technique based on recognition-oriented features,” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VII, E. G. Zelnio editors, Proc. SPIE V 4053, SPIE, Orlando, April 24-28, 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, and E. L. Miller, “GPR Imaging Approaches for Buried Plastic Landmine Detection,” in Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets V, A. C. Dubey, J. F. Harvey, J. T. Broach, and R. E.Dugan editors, Proc. SPIE V 4038, SPIE, Orlando, April 24-28, 2000.
R.C. Chan, J. Kaufhold, W.C. Karl, R.S. Lees, “Ultrasound Analysis of Vascular Structure and Deformation,” in Battlefield Biomedical Technologies II, H. H. Pien editor, Proc. SPIE V 4037B, SPIE, Orlando, April 24-28, 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, and W. C. Karl, “A Shape-Based Approach to Buried Landmine Imaging,” Proc. of JCIS, International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing 2000, Atlantic City, NJ, March, 2000.
D.F. Kacher, E. Gao, H.M. O’Leary, W.E. Kyriakos, J.P. Kaufhold,Q.Y. Ma, W.M. Wells, W.C. Karl and F.A. Jolesz, “RF Coil Sensitivity Estimation for Intensity Correction or Encoding,” in Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 8th Annual Meeting, pg. 1405, Denver, CO, March, 2000.
H. Feng, D. A. Castanon, W. C. Karl, “Underground Imaging Based on Edge-Preserving Regularization,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence and Systems,Washington, DC, November 1-3, 1999
R. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, “Land mine detection through GPR and EMI sensor fusion,” in Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies II, T. Vo-Dinh and R. L. Spellicy editors, Proc. SPIE V 3853, SPIE, Boston, September 20-22, 1999.
W. S. Hoge, D. Brooks, H. Lev-Ari, W. C. Karl, L. P. Panych, E. L.Miller, “Efficient Region of Interest Approximation for MR Image Acquisition,” Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 7th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, pg 1644, May, 1999.
Mujdat Cetin and W. Clem Karl, “A Statistical Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging,” 1999 IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Its Applications (SIU’99), June 1999, Ankara, Turkey.
J. Kaufhold, R. Chan, W. C. Karl, and D. A. Castanon, “Ultrasound Tissue Analysis and Characterization,” in Battlefield Biomedical Technologies, H. H. Pien editor, Proc. SPIE V 3712, SPIE, Orlando, April 5-9, 1999.
R. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, C. Rappaport, E.Miller, C. DiMarzio, “Statistical Fusion of GPR and EMI Data,” in Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IV, A. C. Dubey, J. F. Harvey, J. T. Broach, and R. E.Dugan editors, Proc. SPIE V 3710, SPIE, Orlando, April 5-9, 1999.
R. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, P. Douville, G. J.Power, “Markov Random Field Segmentation Methods for SAR Target Chips,” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VI, E. G. Zelnio editor, Proc. SPIE V 3721, SPIE, Orlando, April 5-9, 1999.
S. Oraintara, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and T. Nguyen, “A Reduced Computation Method for Choosing the Smoothing Parameter in Tikhonov Regularization Problems.” in Proc. of the Conf. on Information Science and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, March, 1999.
N. Aggarwal and W. C. Karl, “Line Detection in Images through Regularized Hough Transform,” in Proc. of the Conf. on Information Science and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, March,1999.
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and C.DiMarzio, “Statistical sensor fusion analysis of near-IR polarimetric and thermal imagery for the detection of mine-like targets,” in Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies, R.L. Spellicy, T.Vo-Dinh editors, Proc. SPIE V 3534, SPIE, Boston, 1998.
J. Kaufhold, W. C. Karl, R. Chan. “A Texture-based Variational Segmentation Method for Ultrasound Blood Vessel Imagery,” Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society in Cleveland, OH October 10-13th 1998.
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and R. C. Brower, “MRF-based algorithms for segmentation of SAR images,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
J. Kaufhold and W. C. Karl, “A Nonparametric Defocus-Based Approach to Reconstructing Thin 3D Structures in Optical Sectioning Microscopy,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
J. Kaufhold, W. C. Karl and D. A. Castanon, “A Nested Recursive Approach to MAP Estimation based on Gauss-Markov Random Fields,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, IL, October, 1998,
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “A Statistical Method for Discrimination of Natural Terrain Types from SAR Data,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
E. L. Miller and W. C. Karl, “Detection and Localization of Obscured Objects from Near-Field Sensor Array Data: Physical Models and Statistical Processing,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago Il., October 1998.
E. L. Miller, W. C. Karl, and S. J. Norton, “On the Detection of Buried Mines from Array Inductive Measurements,” in Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets III, Abinash C. Dubey, Robert L. Barnard, editors, Proc SPIE V 3392. Orlando, Sept. 1998.
R. A. Weisenseel, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and C.DiMarzio, “A Statistical Approach to Multi-Channel Spatial Modeling for the Detection of Mine-Like Targets,” in Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets III, Abinash C. Dubey, Robert L. Barnard, editors, Proc SPIE V 3392. Orlando, Sept. 1998.
E. L. Miller and W. C. Karl, “On the detection of buried objects from inductive arrays,” 1998 Progress in Electromagnetics Symposium, Nantes, France, vol. 2, p. 861, July 1998.
M. Saeed, W. C. Karl, T. Q. Nguyen, and H. R. Rabiee, “A New Multiresolution Algorithm for Image Segmentation,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Seattle, WA, May 12-15, 1998.
M. Bosse, W. C. Karl, D. A. Castanon, and P. A. Debitetto, “A Vision Augmented Navigation System,” IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, special session on Applications of Computer Vision to Intelligent Vehicles, pg 1028-1033, Boston, MA, Nov. 9-12, 1997.
J. Kaufhold and W. C. Karl. “Reconstructing Thin 3-D Structures From Optical Blur Using Optical Sectioning Microscopy,” Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, San Diego CA, October 2-5, 1997.
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “A Statistical Tomographic Approach to Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Reconstruction,”International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 1, pg 845, Santa Barbara, CA, October 26-29, 1997.
M. Saeed, W. C. Karl, T. Nguyen, and H. R. Rabiee, “Bayesian Restoration of Noisy Images with the EM Algorithm,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 2, pg 322, Santa Barbara, CA, October 26-29, 1997.
J. Kaufhold, M. K. Schneider, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “MR Image Segmentation and Data Fusion using A Statistical Approach,”Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing,Vol. 2, pg 506, Santa Barbara, CA, October 26-29, 1997.
R. C. Chan, W. C. Karl, and R. S. Lees, “Quality Enhancement of Arterial Measurements Based on a More Accurate Stochastic Model ofX-Ray Cine-angiography,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pg 508, Santa Barbara, CA, October 26-29, 1997.
J. Kaufhold, M. K. Schneider, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Recursive Estimation Approach to the Segmentation of MR Imagery,”Workshop on MR Signal Processing, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, October 18-20, 1997.
M. Cetin and W. C. Karl, “Inversion and Inferencing Based on Tomographic Data,” 1997 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium special session on Imaging, Tomography, and Holography,July 7-11, 1997, Cambridge, MA.
Farzad Kamalabadi, Joshua L. Semeter, William C. Karl, Daniel M.Cotton, Timothy A. Cook, and Supriya Chakrabarti, “Space-based ionospheric remote sensing using tomographic inversion of radiative recombinative EUV sources,” Annual NSF Conference on Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions, Boulder, Colorado, June 1997. (Best paper award)
C. H. Fosgate, H. Krim, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl,“Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery,” Proc. 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1996.
A. B. Frakt, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, “Multiscale Hypothesis Testing with Application to Anomaly Characterization from Tomographic Projections,” Proc. 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1996.
M. Schneider, P. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, “Multiscale Methods for the Segmentation of Images,” Proc. 1996 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Atlanta, GA, May 7-10, 1996.
P. W. Fieguth, W. W. Irving, M. M. Daniel, C. H. Fosgate, M. K.Schneider, A. H. Krim, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky,“Multiresolution Stochastic Models: Methodology and Applications in Remote Sensing, Image Processing, and Radar,” Proc. Ninth Image and Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing, Belieze City, Belieze, March 3-6, 1996.
S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, S. Mallat, A. S. Willsky, “Multiscale Geometrical Feature Extraction and Object Recognition with Wavelets and Morphology,” Proc. 1995 International Conference on Image Processing, Washington, DC, Vol 3, pg 372-375, October 23-26, 1995.
R. W. Stadler, W. C. Karl, S. F. Ibrahim, and R. S. Lees,“Noninvasive Measurement of Endothelium-Dependent Vasoreactivity: Implications for the Assessment of Atherosclerosis,” Proc. of the 1995 Annual Fall Meeting of the BMES, Boston, MA, October 8-12, 1995.
P. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, “Multiresolution Statistical Analysis and Assimilation of Large Ocean Data Sets,”Proc. 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Atlanta, GA, Vol. 5, May 9-12, 1995
W. W. Irving, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Theory for Multiscale Stochastic Realization,” Proc. of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, pp. 655-662, December, 1994.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, and G. C. Verghese,“Moment-Based Geometric Image Reconstruction,” Proc. of the First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, TX, pp. 825-829, November 13-16, 1994.
P. W. Fieguth, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl, “Multiresolution Stochastic Imaging of Satellite Oceanographic Altimetric Data,”Proc. of the First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,Austin, TX, pp. 1-5, November 13-16, 1994.
M. Bhatia, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Wavelet-Based Multiscale Stochastic Models for Efficient Tomographic Discrimination of Fractal Fields,” Proc. of the First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, TX, pp. 135-139, November 13-16, 1994.
M. Bhatia, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Wavelet Based Methods for Tomographic Reconstruction,” Invited talk. Proc. of the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Workshop on Wavelets in Medicine and Biology,Baltimore, MD, pp. 2a-3a, November 3-6, 1994.
R. E. Learned, H. Krim, B. Claus, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl,“Convergence study of an iterative joint detector for wavelet packet multiple-access communication,” Proc. of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Philadelphia, PA,pp. 512-515, October 25-28, 1994.
H. Krim, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl, “Multiresolution Models for Random Fields and Their Use in Statistical Image Processing,”Proceedings 1994 IEEE-IMS Workshop on Information Theory and Statistics, Alexandria, VA, October 27-29, 1994.
I. Polyak, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl, “Robust Knot Detectionand Spline Approximation Using Wavelet Transform Extrema and Multi-Target Tracking,” Proc. of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Philadelphia, PA,pp. 290-293, October 25-28, 1994.
P. Milanfar, G. C. Verghese, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky,“Polygon Reconstruction from Moments Using Array Processing,” Proc. of the Sixth IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Yosemite National Park, CA, pp. 153-156, October 2-5, 1994.
P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Multiresolution Stochastic Processing of Topex/Poseidon Oceanographic Altimetry,”Proc. of OCEANS ’94, Brest, France, Vol. 1, pp. 851-855, September 13-16, 1994.
P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Statistical Multiscale Approach to Mapping Altimetric Data,” in Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing III, S. S. Chen,Ed., Proc. SPIE 1994 Int’l. Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2304, pp. 94-104, July 24-29,1994.
R. E. Learned, H. Krim, B. Claus, A. S. Willsky, and W. C. Karl,“Wavelet-Packet-Based Multiple-Access Communication,” in Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing II, A. Laineand M. Unser, Eds., Proc. SPIE 1994 Int’l. Symposium on Optics,Imaging, and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2303, pp. 246-259, July 24-29, 1994.
M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Fractal Regularization using Multiscale Stochastic Models,” in Progress in Wavelet Analysis and Applications, Eds. Y. Meyer and S. Roques,Editions Frontieres, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex France, pp. 361-368, 1993.
W. W. Irving, M. M. Daniel, P. W. Fieguth, W. C. Karl, andA. S. Willsky, “Efficient Algorithms for Gauss-Markov Random Fields,” Proc. 8th IEEE Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing, Cannes, France, pp. 160-161, Sept. 1993.
P. Milanfar, M. Bhatia, L. A. Belcastro, S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Geometric and Multiresolution Statistical Methods for Reconstruction from Projections,” Proc. 8th IEEE Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing, Cannes, France, pp. 158-159,Sept. 1993.
M. Bhatia, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, A Multiscale Method forTomographic Reconstruction,” in Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, A. F. Laine,Ed., Proc. SPIE 1993 Int’l. Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2034, pp. 58-69, July 1993.
M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, A. S. Willsky, and R. Tenney,“Multiscale Representations of Markov Random Fields, with Applications to Texture Labeling,” Proc. 1993 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Minneapolis, MN, Vol. 5,pp. 41-44, April 27-30, 1993.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “A Geometric Framework for Tomographic Reconstruction,” Proc. of the 27th Annual Conf. on Information Science and Systems, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, MD, pp. 223-228, March 1993.
T. M. Chin, W. C. Karl, A. C. Mariano, and A. S. Willsky, “Square Root Filtering in Time-Sequential Estimation of Random Fields,” in Image and Video Processing, Proc. 1993 IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, Vol. 1903,pp. 51-58, February 3-4, 1993.
S. Jaggi, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Dynamic Estimation of Left-Ventricular Ejection Fraction,” in Biomedical Image Processing and Biomedical Visualization, R. S. Acharya andD. B. Goldgof, Eds., Proc. IS\&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, Vol. 1905, pp. 206-217, January 1993.
M. R. Luettgen, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, R. R. Tenney,“Multiresolution Statistical Methods in Image Analysis,” in Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Biological, Neural Net, and 3-D Methods, Proc. SPIE, Boston, MA, Vol. 1826, pp. 2-13,November 18-20, 1992.
R. E. Learned, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Wavelet Packet Based Transient Signal Classification,” Proc. IEEE Signal Processing Society Int’l Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis,Victoria, Canada, pp. 109-112, October 4-6, 1992.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, and A. S. Willsky, “Statistical Approaches to the Tomographic Reconstruction of Finitely Parameterized Geometric Objects,” in Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, S. S. Chen, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1992 Int’l. Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation San Diego, CA, Vol. 1766, pp. 166-177, July 20-23, 1992.
P. Milanfar, W. C. Karl, S. R. Kulkarni, and A. S. Willsky,“Geometric Aspects of Tomographic Signal Processing,” Proc. 7th IEEE Workshop on Multidimensional Signal Processing, Lake Placid, NY,pp. 6.5, Sept. 1991.
A. B. Dobrzeniecki, W. C. Karl, P. Lipson, and J. D. Pearlman,M.D., “Advances in Quantification, Analysis, and Display of Thallium Myocardial Images,” Proc. of the 18th Annual Conf. on Computers in Cardiology, Venice, Italy, pp. 497-500, September 23-26, 1991.
W. C. Karl, S. Leeb, L. Jones, J. Kirtley, and G. C. Verghese,“Applications of a Class of Nonlinear Filters to Problems in Power Electronics,” Proc. of 21st Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, San Antonio, TX, pp. 35-42, June 1990.