Joshua Foster

- Title
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Office
- 677 Beacon Street
- Education
- University of Chicago (PhD)
University of Oregon (MS)
Victoria University of Wellington (BSc, MSc)
Google Scholar profile
Recent publications
You can find a full list of my publications at my website, where you can also download papers and find links to open data sets.
* authors made equal contributions.
Foster JJ, Thyer W, Wennberg JW, Awh E (in press). Covert attention increases the gain of stimulus-evoked population codes. Journal of Neuroscience.
Foster JJ, Bsales EM, Awh E (2020). Covert spatial attention speeds target individuation. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(13), 2717-2726
Sutterer DW*, Foster JJ*, Adam KCS, Vogel EK, Awh E (2019). Item-specific delay activity demonstrates concurrent storage of multiple active neural representations in working memory. PLOS Biology, 17:e3000239.
Foster JJ, Awh E (2019). The role of alpha oscillations in spatial attention: limited evidence for a suppression account. Current Opinion in Psychology, 29: 34-40.