Jasmine Pan

- Title
- PhD Student
- jasminep@bu.edu
- Education
- Boston University (M.A.)
New York University (B.A.)
Pan J, Klimova M, McGuire JT & Ling S (Under Review). Arousal-based pupil modulation is dictated by luminance.
Li H-H, Pan J & Carrasco M (2021). Different computations underlie overt presaccadic attention and covert spatial attention. Nature Human Behavior, 1-14.
Li H-H, Pan J & Carrasco M (2019). Presaccadic attention improves or impairs performance by enhancing sensitivity to higher spatial frequencies. Scientific Reports, 9:2659
Posters and presentations:
Pan J, Klimova M, McGuire JT & Ling S (2021). Luminance dictates arousal-based modulation of pupil size. Poster presented at The Annual Meeting for Vision Science Society (V-VSS).
Bloem I, Pan J, Ling S (2021). Attentional modulation of population contrast response functions within human visual cortex. Talk presented at The Annual Meeting for Vision Science Society (V-VSS).
Carrasco M, Li H-H & Pan J (2019). Presaccadic attention modulates visual responses via response gain changes. Talk presented at the European Conference for Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain.
Pan J, Li H-H & Carrasco M (2018). Characterizing the gain change underlying presaccadic attention. Poster presented at The Annual Meeting for Vision Science Society, Tampa, FL.
Li H-H, Pan J & Carrasco M (2018). Presaccadic attention reshapes sensory information even when it impairs performance. Talk presented at The Annual Meeting for Vision Science Society, Tampa, FL.
Liang S-Y, Pan J & Tien Y-H (2015). Can statistical regularity as revealed by grouping of invisible objects lead to a numerical priming effect? Poster presented at the NTU-Kyoto University Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.