Ilona Bloem

- Title
- PhD Student
- Office
- 677 Beacon Street, room 315
- Education
- Maastricht University (B.S. & M.S.)
Bloem, I.M., Watanabe, Y., Kibbe, M & Ling, S. (In Press). Visual memories bypass normalization. Psychological Science
Bloem, I.M. & Ling, S. (2017). Attentional modulation interacts with orientation anisotropies in contrast perception. Journal of Vision 17(11):6, 1–14.
Rademaker, R.L., Bloem, I.M., De Weerd, P., & Sack, A.T. (2015). The impact of interference on short-term memory for visual orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(6), 1650-1665.
Rademaker, R.L., Wu, D-A, Bloem, I.M., & Sack, A.T. (2014). Intensive tool-practice and skillfulness facilitate the extension of the human body schema beyond first order limitations. Neuropsychologia, 56, 196-203.
Laeng, B., Bloem, I.M., D’Ascenzo, S., & Tommasi, L. (2014). Scrutinizing visual images: The role of gaze in mental imagery and memory. Cognition, 131, 263-283.
Posters and presentations:
Bloem, I.M., & Ling, S. (2016). Attentional gain modulation relies on local feature-tuned normalization. Poster. Vision Sciences Society.
Bloem, I.M., & Ling, S. (2015). Attentional gain modulation relies on local feature-tuned normalization. Talk. Society for Neuroscience.
Jans, B., van de Ven, Waldorp, L., V., Been, M.M., Bloem, I.M., Uludağ, K., Goebel, R., & De Weerd, P. (2015). Enhanced readout of early visual cortex after perceptual learning measured with fMRI. Poster. Society for Neuroscience.
Bloem, I.M., Janati, T., & Ling, S. (2015). Attentional modulation interacts with orientation anisotropies in contrast sensitivity. Poster. Vision Sciences Society.
Rademaker, R.L., Bloem, I.M., De Weerd, P. & Sack, A.T. (2013). Properties of high-fidelity visual working memory representations for orientation. Poster. Vision Sciences Society. Abstract: Journal of Vision, 13(9).
Bloem, I.M., Rademaker, R.L. & Laeng, B. (2012). Imagining triangles induces eye movements, but does not affect pupil size, an eye tracking study. Poster. Annual Student Research Conference, VSNU, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Rademaker, R.L., Wu, D.A., Bloem, I.M., & Sack, A. (2011). Lifetime-built motor fluency and training enable an extended sense of the body beyond classical first-order extensions in humans. Poster. Donders Discussions, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Bloem, I.M., Driessen, M.H., Gerlach, A., van Heel, A., Hemmers, L., Tibud, A., Wellen, F.A.M., & Rademaker, R.L. (2011). Second-order object integration into the body schema. Poster. Annual Psychology Student Research Meeting, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.