Hunter Survey FAQ

Why did I get this survey?

You were selected as part of a random sample of 2000 licensed hunters in New York to share your thoughts about deer and deer management. We are interested in hunter experiences and perspectives, and, for this reason, we would like to hear from you. This survey is voluntary, but you can help us very much by participating.


What if I cannot answer some of the questions?

We encourage you to answer all questions to the best of your ability; however, if there are any questions you cannot or do not want to answer, you are not required to answer them.


What if I need help?

Please contact if you have any questions.


Will my responses be linked to me?

No, your answers will be kept confidential and your name and contact information will not be shared with anyone. Your responses with be combined with other licensed hunters and used in such a way that no individual’s responses can be identified.


Who is conducting this research?

We are a team of social scientists and wildlife ecologists from Boston University, Colorado State University, Texas A&M University, and the University of Wisconsin Madison investigating how deer management and hunting experiences vary across towns and cities in Massachusetts and New York.


Who is funding this project?

The project is funded by awards from the National Science Foundation (Award #1832191 and Award #1923668)


Is this research project connected to state wildlife agencies (MassWildlife & NYSDEC)?

Our research project covers both Massachusetts and New York and is led by researchers at Boston University, Texas A&M University, Colorado State University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Our team is in conversation with officials at MassWildlife and NYSDEC and we share data with both agencies.


Will I be able to see the results of the Hunter Survey?

We will prepare a summary report that will be distributed to all survey respondents in the coming year.  This and all other publications and reports from the project will be available on this website.


Other questions?

If you have any questions or comments about this research or if you would like a copy of the results of this study, you may contact the Principal Investigator for the project, Anne Short Gianotti, at  To obtain further information about your rights as a participant in this research project, please contact Boston University Charles River Campus IRB Office at 617-358-6115 or