“Winds of Change”: Hussein’s postdoctoral research featured in BU today PI Diane Thompson and Kim Cobb core a fossil coral at Kiritimati Atoll
Two new papers published in the journal Paleoceanography
Assistant professor Diane Thompson has recently published 2 papers in the journal Paleoceanography. “Tropical Pacific climate variability over the last 6000 years as recorded in Bainbridge Crater Lake, Galápagos” highlights results of long-term monitoring of Bainbridge Crater Lake (since 2009). Sediments from this lake provide a record of both El Niño... More
Thompson receives NSF funding to investigate the link between tropical Pacific trade winds and global temperatures
Assistant professor Diane Thompson has been awarded $342,652 grant from the National Science Foundation to study the recent history of tropical Pacific trade wind strength recorded in the skeleton of corals from equatorial atolls. These natural archives of tropical Pacific wind strength have the potential to dramatically improve our understanding... More
Guest blog on IODP website for School of Rock: “Go Fish”
Check out Diane's guest blog on the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP webpage) about our sampling adventures aboard the JOIDES Resolution! More great blogs about our voyage and Ocean Drilling science everyday by members of our team!
Diane participates in IODP School of Rock 2017
Assistant Professor Diane Thompson was selected to participate in the International Ocean Discovery Program’s “School of Rock”, transiting between Subic Bay Philippines and Townsville, Australia (July 10th - 27th). While underway, the School of Rock team is discussing and designing course curricula and strategies for increasing diversity in Geosciences. Diane... More
Emma Reed receives GSA Graduate Student Research Grant
Graduate student Emma Reed has received GSA Graduate Student Research Grant to support her PhD research in the Marshall Islands. This competitive fellowship will provide funding to help facilitate our upcoming field work and trace element analyses of fossil coral samples from the Marshall Islands. Congratulations, Emma!

NSF RAPID grant to study 2015-2016 El Nino
The Thompson lab received a NSF RAPID grant to study the impacts of the 2015-2016 El Nino event. This project aimed to assess the impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño event on the climate and lake conditions of two key Galapagos climate archives: Bainbridge and Genovesa Crater Lakes. Sediments accumulating... More