* Student first author
In revision/in review
Grothe, P.R., K.M. Cobb, G. Liguori, E. Di Lorenzo, A. Capotondi, Y. Lu, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, J.R. Southon, G.M. Santos, D.M. Deocampo, J. Lynch-Stieglitz, T. Chen, H.R. Sayani, K. Townsend, M. Hagos, G. O’Connor, D.M. Thompson, L.T. Toth, A.L. Moore. Robust evidence for forced changes in ENSO: from the mid-Holocene to the 21st century. In revision for Nature Climate Change
*Reed, E.V., J.E. Cole, J.M. Lough, D.M. Thompson and N.E. Cantin (in revision) Linking Climate Variability and Growth in Coral Skeletal Records from the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Reefs
Thompson, D.M., J. Kleypas, F. Castruccio, E. Curchitser, M. Pinsky, B. Jönsson and J. Watson (2018) Variability in oceanographic barriers to coral larval dispersal: Do currents shape biodiversity? Progress in Oceanography, 165, 110–122,
Konecky, B., L. Comas-Bru, E. Dassié, K. DeLong, J. Partin, and Iso2k Project Members (2018). “Piecing Together the Big Picture on Water and Climate.” Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
*Jimenez, G., J.E. Cole, D.M. Thompson, and A.W. Tudhope (2018) Northern Galápagos corals reveal twentieth century warming in the Eastern Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters.
Thompson D.M., J.L. Conroy, A. Collins, S. Hlohowskyj, J.T. Overpeck, M. Riedinger-Whitmore, J.E. Cole, M.B. Bush, H. Whitney, T.L. Corley, and M. Steinitz Kannan (2017) Tropical Pacific climate variability over the last 6000 years as recorded in Bainbridge Crater Lake, Galápagos, Paleoceanography, doi: 10.1002/2017PA003089
Conroy, J.L., D.M. Thompson, K.M. Cobb, D. Noone, S. Rea, A.N. LeGrande (2017) Spatiotemporal variability in the 18O-salinity relationship of seawater across the tropical Pacific Ocean. Paleoceanography
Dassié, E., K. DeLong, H. Kilbourne, B. Williams, N. Abram, L. Brenner, C. Brahmi, K. Cobb, T. Corrège, D. Dissard, J. Emile-Geay, H. Evangelista, M. Evans, J. Farmer, T. Felis, M. Gagan, D. Gillikin, N. Goodkin, M. Khodri, A.C. Lavagnino, M. LaVigne, C. Lazareth, B. Linsley, J. Lough, H. McGregor, I. Nurhati, G. Ouellette, L. Perrin, M. Raymo, B. Rosenheim, M. Sanstrom, B. Schöne, A. Sifeddine, S. Stevenson, D. Thompson, A. Waite, A. Wanamaker, H. Wu (2017) Save our Marine Annually-Resolved Proxy Archives (MARPA)! Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
Ng, J.Y.*, B. Williams, D.M. Thompson, C. Mayne, J. Halfar, E. Edinger, and K. Johnson (2016) Assessing multi-site δ18O-climate calibrations of the coralline alga Clathromorphum across the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 194, 279-290, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.08.023.
Kleypas, J. A., Thompson, D. M., Castruccio, F. S., Curchitser, E. N., Pinsky, M. and Watson, J. R. (2016), Larval connectivity across temperature gradients and its potential effect on heat tolerance incoral populations. Glob Change Biol, 22: 3539–3549. doi:10.1111/gcb.13347
McGregor, H.V., B. Martrat, M.N. Evans, D. Thompson, D. Reynolds, J. Addison and Workshop Participants (2016) Data, age uncertainties and ocean δ18O under the spotlight for Ocean2k Phase 2. Past Global Changes Magazine, 24(1), 44, 10.22498/pages.24.1.44
Dee, S., Emile‐Geay, J., Evans, M. N., Allam, A., Steig, E. J., & Thompson, D. M. (2015). PRYSM: An open‐source framework for proxy system modeling, with applications to oxygen‐isotope systems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, doi: 10.1002/2015MS000447
Thompson, D.M., J.E. Cole, G. Shen, A. Tudhope, and G. Meehl (2015) Early twentieth-century warming linked to tropical Pacific wind strength. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo2321
Conroy, J.L., D.M. Thompson, A. Collins J.T. Overpeck, M.B. Bush, and J.E. Cole (2014) Climate influences on water and sediment properties of Genovesa Crater Lake, Galápagos. Journal of Paleolimnology 52(4), 331-347, doi: 10.1007/s10933-014-9797-z.
Thompson, D.M., F. Castruccio, J. Kleypas, E. Curchitser, M. Pinsky, and J. Watson (2014) Variability in reef connectivity in the Coral Triangle. Reef Encounter, 29(2), 46-51
Schmidt, G. A., Annan, J. D., Bartlein, P. J., Cook, B. I., Guilyardi, E., Hargreaves, J. C., Harrison, S. P., Kageyama, M., LeGrande, A. N., Konecky, B., Lovejoy, S., Mann, M. E., Masson-Delmotte, V., Risi, C., Thompson, D., Timmermann, A., Tremblay, L.-B., and Yiou, P. (2013) Using paleo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections in CMIP5, Clim. Past, 9, 775-835, doi:10.5194/cpd-9-775-2013.
Comboul, M., J. Emile-Geay, M.N. Evans, N. Mirnateghi, K.M. Cobb, and D.M. Thompson (2013) A probabilistic model of chronological errors in layer-counted climate proxies: applications to annually-banded coral archives, Clim. Past, 9, 6077-6123, doi:10.5194/cpd-9-6077-2013.
Evans, M. N., S.E. Tolwinski-Ward, D.M. Thompson, and K.J. Anchukaitis (2013). Applications of proxy system modeling in high resolution paleoclimatology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 76, 16-28, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.05.024
Thompson, D. M., T. R. Ault, M. N. Evans, J. E. Cole, J. Emile-Geay, and A. N. LeGrande (2013), Coral-CGCM comparison highlights role of salinity in long-term trends. P. Braconnot, C. Brierley, S.P. Harrison, L. von Gunten (eds) El Niño Southern Oscillation: observation and modeling, PAGES news, 21(2), 60-61.
Thompson, D.M., T.R. Ault, M.N. Evans, J.E. Cole, and J. Emile-Geay, (2011). Comparison of observed and simulated tropical climate trends using a forward model of coral δ18O. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L14706, doi:10.1029/2011GL048224.
Thompson, D.M. and R. van Woesik (2009). Corals escape bleaching in regions that recently and historically experienced frequent thermal stress. Proc. R. Soc. B, 276(1669), 2893-2901, doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.0591.