Thompson receives NSF funding to investigate the link between tropical Pacific trade winds and global temperatures

Assistant professor Diane Thompson has been awarded $342,652 grant from the National Science Foundation to study the recent history of tropical Pacific trade wind strength recorded in the skeleton of corals from equatorial atolls. These natural archives of tropical Pacific wind strength have the potential to dramatically improve our understanding of the impact of winds on the rate of global climate change.
This project will also contribute to broadening participation and diversity in science by supporting two early career female scientists (Thompson and co-PI Jessica Carilli), a postdoctoral researcher (H. Sayani) and two undergraduates, who will together develop programs to promote race, gender, and LGBTQ diversity, equity and inclusion at Boston University.
Click to read more about: “NSF Award 1702130: Reconstructing Pacific Trade Wind Variability – Extending and Replicating a Promising New Coral Proxy.”