Elizabeth Pino’s Profile
Research Scientist [Project Manager/ Data Analyst]
Center for Clinical Translational Epidemiology and Comparative Effectiveness Research
Preventive Medicine & Epidemiology
Department of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine
801 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 470
Boston, MA 02118
(617) 638-8079; epino@bu.edu
Elizabeth Pino, PhD is trained as a molecular biologist and geneticist. Dr. Pino is interested in clinical temporal trends and health outcomes research. Her current work primarily explores long-term consequences in patients undergoing treatment for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as outcomes in maternal health and depression. She also focuses on public health consequences of firearm violence in the US and the short- and long- term effects of firearm injury survivorship.
Currently, she is a research scientist at the Center for Clinical Translational Epidemiology and Comparative Effectiveness Research, Department of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. Prior to joining BUSM, she held scientist positions at startup companies Ember Therapeutics and Energesis Pharmaceuticals, where she investigated treatments for type 2 diabetes and obesity. Before this, Dr. Pino completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital within the Center for Human Genetic Research, where she completed a genome-wide screen and identified a novel gene network critical for starvation survival.
Dr. Pino received her PhD in biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine, and her bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Carnegie Mellon University.