Influence on my future career path

By Julie

One thing that was made certain through this experience is that I want to be involved in meaningful work that will help make a lasting impact in the world.

As I reflect on my time spent in South Africa, I am very grateful to have gotten the opportunity to explore a new culture and broaden my outlook on the world. It was a rewarding experience to hear about the various challenges facing South Africans directly from professionals working to improve outcomes on a social, economic, and environmental level. Our discussions at the World Health Organization helped provide a broad perspective on how the different focus areas of our program, including access to education, sustainable energy, financial wellbeing, and social inclusion are all interconnected and are determinants of health. Understanding how these areas are linked provided a better context for just how complex and difficult solving these problem can be. Despite the country’s growth and innovation in areas such as health care and technology, the wide gap in socioeconomic classes and the high unemployment rate are realities that can’t be ignored. Basic amenities like access to electricity that I take for granted are difficult to obtain for many due to poor infrastructure and government corruption.

Companies like Secha Capital that are investing in black-owned businesses and creating jobs and Eaton Electric that are working to create sustainable energy opportunities are paving the way for other organizations to follow their lead. I was particularly impressed with the interesting work being done by Mandate Molefi to break down the social and cultural barriers that may be hindering an inclusive workplace by first changing a leader’s mindset. While it is impossible to identify a single solution that will reduce the inequalities and income disparities the country faces as a whole, I am a firm believer in the power of education. As noted in Room to Read’s annual report, “Education is the ultimate game changer.” Receiving a quality education opens doors for students and their families to improve their quality of life and economic situations. It also offers the prospect of hope that by educating and empowering today’s children, they become the next generation of change makers that can tackle societal issues affecting those around them.

As I am nearing the end of my MBA program, I am considering my next steps in my professional life. One thing that was made certain through this experience is that I want to be involved in meaningful work that will help make a lasting impact in the world. While I am still deciding how I can best contribute to society, I am confident that the knowledge and insights I have gained during this trip will greatly influence how I choose to spend my time and my future career path.

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