Computing Accounts Tool and Account Creation Changes
Computing Accounts Tool and Account Creation Changes
On September 18, we will begin the process of retiring the Computing Accounts tool with an expected full retirement on May 27, 2024.
Below is a table of the date of change, who is impacted, and details of the change.
Date | Population Impacted | Change |
September 18, 2023 | Computing Accounts users and Self-Service applications that create accounts for students | When creating a student account, an email will automatically be sent in place of the manual process of processing a customized or pre-customized account setup email invitation.
Please see sample below. |
September 26, 2023 | Computing Accounts Users associated with the first deployment of Campus Solutions | Sponsor codes for the Computing Accounts tool and self-service applications that create student accounts will be removed |
March 06, 2024 | Computing Accounts users and Self-Service applications that create accounts for students Associated with the Second Deployment of Campus Solutions | Sponsor codes for the Computing Accounts tool and self-service applications that create student accounts will be removed |
May 27, 2024 | Remaining Computing Accounts users and Self-Service applications that create accounts for students Associated with the Second Deployment of Campus Solutions | Sponsor codes for the Computing Accounts tool and self-service applications that create student accounts will be removed |
The current Computing Account tool is shown below:
On September 16, 2023, the tool will be updated in the SIS Renewal Program’s Deployment 1 update. The update will remove the generic account creation question and replaces it with the wording “Account setup invitation email will be sent after successful preregister.”
As noted in the table above, in September all student account creations will send a generic email automatically and will be sent in place of the manual process of selecting a customized or pre-customized account setup email. A sample of the email is provided :
Sponsor Code Changes:
Pre-register for the following sponsor codes will remain on Computing Account Tool from IAM R1 go-live September 13, 2023 to September 26, 2023. Account creation and claim process will be migrated to SailPoint starting the weekend of September 15, 2023.
Sponsor codes will be removed from pre-register selection screen as part of SIS D1 implementation on September 26, 2023. Account provisioning will be managed through Campus Solutions.
The Deployment to Remove column in the tables below specifically note when each sponsor code will be removed. Feel free to download the chart image here.
- Deployment 1
- September 26, 2023
- Deployment 2
- March 6, 2023
- Deployment 3
- May 27, 2023
No | Sponsor Code | Sponsor Code Desc | Deployment to Remove | Account Type Code |
Comment |
1 | ADMISSIONS | Admissions Department | D1 | WEBACT | |
2 | BUSMPLUS | BUSM+ | D1 | WEBACT | |
3 | CFAGRADADM | CFA Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
4 | COMGRADADM | COM Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
5 | ENGGRADADM | ENG Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
6 | GMSPHYASST | Grad Med Physician Assistant | D1 | WEBACT | |
7 | GRSGRADADM | GRS Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
8 | GSMGRADADM | GSM Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
9 | LAWGRADADM | LAW Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
10 | MBGGRADADM | BU Global Graduate Application | D1 | WEBACT | |
11 | MBOGRADADM | MBO Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
12 | MEDGRADADM | MED Graduate Medical Sciences | D1 | WEBACT | |
13 | MEDSUPLAPP | MED Supplemental Application | D1 | WEBACT | |
14 | METGRADADM | MET Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
15 | SARGRADADM | SAR Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
16 | SARWEB-BB | SAR Web for Blackboard | D1 | WEBACT | |
17 | SDMGRADADM | SDM Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
18 | SEDGRADADM | SED Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
19 | SPHGRADADM | SPH Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
20 | STHGRADADM | STH Graduate Admissions | D1 | WEBACT | |
21 | WHEELCKALM | Wheelock Alumni | D1 | LOGIN |
Future Sponsor Code Removal
The following below sponsor codes will be removed for pre-register section screen as part of the SIS Renewal Deployment 2 and Deployment 3 update on March 6, 2024 and May 27, 2024, respectfully.
No | Sponsor Code | Sponsor Code Desc | Deployment to Remove | Account Type Code |
Comment |
1 | CELOPAPP | CELOP Application | D2 | WEBACT | |
2 | INTLPROG | International Abroad Programs | D2 | WEBACT | |
3 | METEVEDVSN | MET Evening Div Login Acct | D2 | LOGIN | |
4 | SUMMERTERM | Summer Term Login Account | D3 | LOGIN | |
5 | BUACADEMY | BU Academy | D3 | LOGIN | |
6 | CASEXCHNGE | CAS Exchange Mailbox | D3 | LOGIN | |
7 | CPECFPAP | CPE CFP Application (DestinyOne) | D3 | WEBACT | |
8 | DENTALEXCH | Dental School – Outlook | D3 | LOGIN | |
9 | DIRECTPYMT | Direct Payment | D3 | WEBACT | |
10 | DISTEDU | Distance Education Login Acct | D3 | LOGIN | |
11 | DISTEDUTA | Distance Education Login TA | D3 | LOGIN | |
12 | ENGREU | Engineering Research | D3 | WEBACT | |
13 | ENGRE2 | Engineering Research (PHO) | D3 | WEBACT | |
14 | FITREC | Fitness & Recreation Center | D3 | WEBACT | |
15 | GENWEBACT | Generic Web Account | D3 | WEBACT | |
16 | IT | Guest Account | D3 | WEBACT | |
17 | METINQMKTG | MET Inquiry & Marketing | D3 | WEBACT | |
18 | METLIFELNG | MET LifeLong Learning | D3 | WEBACT | |
19 | OFFCAMPHOU | Off Campus Housing | D3 | WEBACT | |
20 | OFFCAMPUS | Off Campus Undergrads | D3 | LOGIN | |
21 | OFFCMPGRAD | Off Campus Grads | D3 | LOGIN | |
22 | RESRCHAFFL | Research Affiliates | D3 | LOGIN | |
23 | SAR-CHAL | Sargent College Challenge | D3 | WEBACT | |
24 | SSWIGSWPGM | SSW Inst Geriatric Social Wk | D3 | WEBACT | |
25 | SSWPEPPGM | SSW Prof Edu Program | D3 | WEBACT | |
26 | STUDENT | Student (ShareLink) | D3 | WEBACT | |
27 | SUMHIGHCOM | Summer High High School Com | D3 | LOGIN | |
28 | SUMHIGHONL | Summer Term High School Onl | D3 | LOGIN | |
29 | SUMHIGHSKL | Summer Term High School Pgm | D3 | LOGIN | |
30 | SUMINTLPAR | Summer International Partner | D3 | LOGIN | |
31 | SUMINTLSTD | Summer International Student | D3 | LOGIN | |
32 | SUMMERWEB | Summer Program Participant | D3 | WEBACT | |
33 | TANGLEWOOD | Tanglewood institute | D3 | LOGIN | |
34 | WBURFUNDS | WBUR Volunteers | D3 | WEBACT | |
35 | EARLYBIRD | Early Bird Student | D3 | LOGIN | |
36 | GRDERLYBRD | Grad Early Bird | D3 | LOGIN | |
37 | METCOMPSCI | Met Grad Comp Sci Login Acct | D3 | LOGIN |