Selected Publications

Ganguli, I., Kahn, S. and MacGarvie M. editors.  The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in US Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press and the National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.

Kahn, S. and MacGarvie, M.J. “The Impact of Permanent Residency Delays for STEM PhDs: Who leaves and Why?” .” Research Policy 49(9), November 2020. (Online Dec 2019). Earlier version National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper W25175 (2018). Also highlighted in The NBER Digest January 2019 “As Visa Lines Lengthen, STEM PhDs Look Homeward.”

Kahn, S. and MacGarvie, M. “Immigration Policy and Stay Rates of STEM PhDs.” STI2018 (Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators) Conference Proceedings, 2018. Available online at:

Ganguli, I., Kahn, S. and MacGarvie M. editors.  The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in US Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.  National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Volume. Also, in this book, co-author of Ganguli, I., Kahn, S. and MacGarvie M., “Introduction.”  Forthcoming 2019, University of Chicago Press.

Ginther, D.K. and Kahn, S. “The Engineering Education-Workforce Continuum”  in The National Academy of Engineering.  Understanding the Educational and Career Pathways of EngineersWashington DC: The National Academies Press. 2018.  Also available at

Editor and chapter contributor. Underrepresentation of Women in Science: International and Cross-Disciplinary Evidence and Debate.  with Stephen Ceci, Donna Ginther and Wendy Williams.  Frontiers ebook April 2018.

Kahn, S. and Ginther, D.  “Women and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM):  Are Differences in Education and Careers due to Stereotypes, Interests or Family?” in Averett, S., Argys, L.M., Hoffman, Saul D.H., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy.  Oxford  Handbooks Online Oxford University Press. Online October 2017. Print June 2018.

Ceci, S., Ginther, D.K., Kahn, S. Williams, W. “Culture, Sex and Intelligence.” In Robert J. Sternberg, ed. The Nature of Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press: January 2018, 30-48.

La Mattina, G., Kahn, S. and MacGarvie, M.J “Misfits, Stars, and Immigrant EntrepreneurshipSmall Business Economics 49(3) October 2017. 533-57.

“The impact of postdoctoral training on early careers in Biomedicine” with Donna Ginther   Nature Biotech  35(1) January 2017, p.90-94.

Ginther, D., Kahn, S., Schaffer, W. “Gender, Race, Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double Bind?” Academic Medicine 91(8). August 2016: pp.1098–1107.

Kahn, S. and MacGarvie, M. “Do return requirements increase international knowledge diffusion? Evidence from the Fulbright program.” Research Policy45(6) July 2016: pp.1304-1322

Ginther, D., Kahn, S. and McCloskey, J. “Gender and Academics” in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.  Online Edition  2016.

Comment on “Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines” with Donna Ginther.  Technical Comment. ScienceVol. 349 no. 6246 p. 391

Are recent cohorts of women with engineering bachelors less likely to stay in engineering? with Donna Ginther.  Frontiers in Psychology. August 19, 2015.

“Women in Economic Science: A Changing Landscape.” With Stephen Ceci, Donna Ginther and Wendy Williams.Psychological Science in the Public Interest15(3),  2014.

Related:  “Do Women Earn Less than Men in Stem Fields? With Stephen Ceci, Donna Ginther and Wendy Williams.  Scientific American January 1, 2015.  Click here for online summary.

Related:  Academic Science isn’t Sexist.  Stephen Ceci and Wendy Williams. New York   Times op end October 31, 2014

How Important is U.S. Location for Research in Science?” with Megan J. MacGarvie. Review of Economics and Statistics  posted on line Nov 7 2014, Vol. 88, No. 1, Pages 46-60.
Related: Online Appendix

Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science:  Progress, Pitfalls and Plateaus” with Donna Ginther.  The Economics of Economists, Alessandro Lanteri and Jack Vromen, eds.  Cambridge,UK:  Cambridge University Press, 2014.

“Education and Academic Career Outcomes for Women of Color in Science and Engineering” with Donna Ginther. In Seeking Solutions: Maximizing American Talent by Advancing Women of Color in Academia:  A Conference Report.  Wash D.C: National Academy Press, 2013.

“Gender Differences in Academic Promotion and Mobility at a Major Australian University.”  Economic Record 88(282). September 2012, pp.407-424.

“The Effects of the Foreign Fulbright Program on Knowledge Creation in Science and Engineering” [with Megan MacGarvie] Joshua Lerner and Scott Stern eds. NBER 50th Anniversary Conference Volume on the Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited. Univ. of Chicago: 2012,  pp161-197.

“A Proposal to Improve our Understanding of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Using the Science and Engineers Statistical Data System.” [joint with Donna Ginther]  Proceeds of the Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data 2008. The Kauffman Foundation.   March 2009.

Does Science Promote Women?  Evidence from Academia 1973-2001″ in Science and Engineering Careers in the United States [joint with Donna Ginther]Richard Freeman and Daniel Goroff (eds),  Chicago, IL:  University of Chicago Press for NBER, 2009.

Women in Economics: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder?” (With Donna K. Ginther).  Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(3), Summer 2004.

“Large Companies and the Use of Temporary Workers: Impacts on Financial Measures of Performance” [joint with J. Heisler and F. Foulkes]  in Houseman, S. and A. Nakamura.  and Policy

Implications” [joint with Kevin Lang] in Wong, Ging and Garnett Picot, Working Time in Comparative Perspective Volume II .  Kalamazoo MI: Upjohn Institute, 2001.

“Hours Constraints:  Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications” [joint with Kevin Lang] in Wong, Ging and Garnett Picot, Working Time in Comparative Perspective Volume I.  Kalamazoo MI: Upjohn Institute, 2001.

The Bottom-Line Impact of Nonstandard Jobs on Companies’ Profitability and Productivity.”  in Francoise Carre, Marianne Ferber, Lonnie Golden, Stephen Herzenberg, eds.   Non‑Standard Work:  The Nature and Challenges of Emerging Employment Arrangements. Madison WI: IRRA, 2000.

“Falling Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: Has Contingent Work Had an Impact?”  Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting 1998, 259-267.

“The Effect of Minimum Wage Laws on the Distribution of Employment: Theory and Evidence.” [joint with Kevin Lang] Journal of Public Economics 69(1), July 1998, 67-82.

“Evidence of Nominal Wage Stickiness from Microdata.” The American Economic Review.  LXXXVII:5, December 1997, 993-1008.

“Hours Constraints and the Wage/Hours Locus.” [joint with Kevin Lang]  Canadian Journal of Economics XXIX(Special Issue), April 1996. S71-S75.

“The Causes of Hours Constraints:  Evidence from Canada.” [joint with Kevin Lang] Canadian Journal of Economics XXVIII 4a, November 1995, 914-928.

“Women in the Economics Profession.”  Journal of Economics Perspectives IX(4), Fall 1995, 193-205.

“Gender Differences in Academic Career Paths of Economists.”  American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 83(2), May 1993, 52-56.

“Constraints on the Choice of Work Hours: Agency vs. Specific Capital.” [joint with Kevin Lang]  Journal of Human Resources 27(4), Fall 1992, 661-678.

“Economic Implications of Public-Sector Comparable Worth: A Case Study of San Jose.”  Industrial Relations 31(2), Spring 1992, 270-91.

“Creating a Political Image: Shaping Appearance and Manipulating the Vote.” [joint with Shawn Rosenberg and Thuy Tran]  Political Behavior 13(4),  December 1991, 345-367.

“The Effects of Hours Constraints on Labor Supply Estimates.” [joint with Kevin Lang]  Review of Economics and Statistics 73(4), November 1991, 605-611.

Does Employer Monopsony Power Increase Occupational Accidents? The Case of Kentucky Coal Mines”.  NBER Working Paper No. 3897, November 1991

“What Occupational Safety Tells Us About Union Political Power.” The Rand Journal of Economics 21(3), Autumn 1990, 481-89.

“Efficiency Wage Models: A Second View.” [joint with Kevin Lang] Economic Inquiry 28(2), April 1990, 296-306.

“Economic Estimates of the Value of Life.” in Albert Flores, Ethics and Risk Management in Engineering. Lanham: University Press of America, 1989, 57-72.

“Female Mobility and the Returns to Seniority: Should EEO Policy Be Concerned with Promotion?” [with Harriet Griesinger] American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings,79(2),May 1989, 300-4.

“Efficient Estimation of Structural Hedonic Systems.” [joint with Kevin Lang] International Economic Review 29(1), February 1988, 157-66.

“Occupational Safety and Worker Preferences: Is There a Marginal Worker?” The Review of Economics and Statistics 69(2), May 1987, 262-68.

“National Union Leader Performance and Turnover in Building Trades.” [joint with Kevin Lang and Donna Kadev] Industrial Relations 25(3), Fall 1986, 276-91.

“Economic Estimates of the Value of Life.” IEEE Technology and Society 5(2), June 1986, 24-31.

“Union Membership Trends: A Study of the Garment Workers.” Monthly Labor Review, 109(6), June 1986, 33-35.

“Trends in Union Membership in the Postwar Period: The Case of the ILGWU.” Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings 38, 1986, 279-86.