6 papers accepted at 55th CDC from HyNeSs group

6 papers from the HyNeSs Group have been accepted at the 55th Conference on Decision and Control: Derya Aksaray, Austin Jones, Zhaodan Kong, Mac Schwager, Calin Belta, Q-Learning for Robust Satisfaction of Signal Temporal Logic Specifications, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, 2016 (to appear) Sadra Sadraddini, Calin Belta, Feasibility Envelopes for […]

Calin is awarded the inaugural Tegan Family Faculty Fellowship

”The Tegan Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow honors a mid-career (Associate to early Full Professor) faculty for extraordinary performance and impact in research, teaching and service to the College and profession. The Distinguished Faculty Fellow is an honor awarded to tenured faculty who are on a clear trajectory to extraordinary leadership careers in all dimensions of […]

Aamodh successfully defended his Master’s thesis

Aamodh Suresh successfully defended his Master’s thesis. Title: Body Swarm Interface (BOSI) – Controlling robotic swarms using human bio-signals Committee: Prof. Mac Schwager (ME) (advisor) Prof. John Baillieul (ME) Prof. Calin Belta (ME)

BU Robotics Lab in ENG News

The new BU Robotics Lab was featured in the College of Engineering News on March 3rd 2016. The full article is available at http://www.bu.edu/me/2016/03/03/drone-home/

BU Robotics Lab in New Scientist

The new BU Robotics Lab was featured in the January 30 issue of New Scientist. The full article is available at https://www.newscientist.com/article/2075364-future-delivery-drones-start-learning-how-to-fly-on-their-own/