Health Sector Management Networking Night

April 5th, 2016
On Monday April 4, 2015 the Health Sector Management Club (HSM) hosted a spring networking event for 1st and 2nd year MBA students, as well as MSMS students.  The event hosted 14 alumni and guests representing companies throughout the health sector.  Highlights included Shire Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi Genzyme, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston Medical Center, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The students and professionals had a great time getting to know each other, and the event provided the students with an opportunity to learn about different careers in the health sector.


PNP Adventures At The Museum of Science

March 28th, 2016

Last week, twenty students in the Public and Non-Profit Club visited the Museum of Science to explore how the museum manages corporate partnerships and builds their brand with exhibits such as the recent (and very successful) Pixar display. They had the opportunity to meet with the Senior Vice President, Advancement, the Executive Director, Advancement and additional members of the team responsible for special events, corporate partnerships, individual giving, and government grants.

The group learned about fundraising and how corporate partnerships in particular are cultivated to provide different opportunities for scientific exploration at one of the most recognizable organizations in Boston.

According to participant Travis Kilpatrick, MBA '16, "[my main takeaway was] understanding how your supporters want to make a difference in the world is an opportunity to share how your organization helps them accomplish it - and of course [I enjoyed] exploring the museum afterward!" 

BUGVC #Guatstromlife

March 25th, 2016
Over spring break, 30 Questrom MBA candidates devoted their time to helping entrepreneurs in Guatemala expand their businesses.  The BU Global Venture Consulting (BUGVC) Club is a student-run organization that takes their spring break each year to devote their time and business skills to helping grow businesses in the developing world.

The trip is completely organized by students, which is no small task!  This year, the trip began with two days in Antigua, getting a flavor for the Guatemalan culture.  Five days were spent in Xela, Guatemala’s second largest city, where we did the bulk of our work.  BUGVC partners with Thriive, a global non-profit that seeks to build prosperity in vulnerable global communities.  Students worked in teams of three and four, attacking problems that ranged from operations improvement to marketing campaigns to expansion to new markets.  The businesses included bakeries, commercial print shops, artisan crafts and local schools.  After our presentations and recommendations to the clients, the trip ends with 2 days at Lake Atitlan for some a well-deserved rest and relaxation in a truly beautiful setting!

BUGVC gives MBA students a chance to put into practice the skills they’ve learned while making at true impact on a living, growing business.  The club, just finishing its fourth trip, continues to be one of the most popular and sought-after experiences.  Check out the BUGVC Facebook page or Thriive Guatemala’s Facebook page for more information and pictures from the trip!

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Innovative Workspaces Trek

March 22nd, 2016
On Friday, March 18, a group of 27 MBA candidates toured innovative workspaces throughout Cambridge, MA.  Led by the Leadership and Organizational Transformation Club, the group toured the Cambridge Innovation Center and Google’s Cambridge Campus with the goal of exploring how non-traditional work spaces can influence and encourage a healthy working environment for employees.  

The behind-the-scenes look at Cambridge Innovation Center showed how and why so many startups choose to begin their operations there, in what is arguably the largest collection of startup companies in the world!  Google provided insights into the design and thought behind their many amenities and interesting working environments, moving beyond just ‘fun’ into actually productive results.  All in all, the group learned quite a bit and now have a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of flexible and unique work spaces.

Photo Credit: Alyssa Moskowitz

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Students of Questrom: Part-Time MBA Edition

March 15th, 2016
Name: Lauren Murphy, Part-time Evening MBA, MBA 2016

Background? I was born in Boston but raised about 50 miles outside in Worcester, MA. I earned my bachelor's degree from Boston University in International Relations. Before coming to Questrom, I worked at a small non-profit in Boston whose mission focused on social entrepreneurship development in the Middle East and North Africa. I personally oversaw outreach and operations for conferences held on the ground in the region, which gave me the ability to travel to Morocco. Currently, I work in operations at the Boston University School of Medicine at the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center, which is cutting edge research center that focuses on the effect of repetitive traumatic brain injury on athletes and veterans. 

Why did you choose BU? As a part-time student, I was looking for a program that gave part-time students the same opportunity and experiences as the full-time students. I knew getting your MBA was going to be a lot of work - especially while working a full-time job - so I was also looking for a supportive community both within the student body and the administration. I believe that I found all of that at BU. I don't feel that my education is watered down.  It is definitely a lot of work, but there is a strong community to support you as well. Part-time students are all embraced by the community and expected to participate in clubs and social events, which has only enhanced the overall experience.

What are you involved in at BU? I'm the VP of PEMBA Relations for the Graduate Student Council and I'm the PEMBA Rep for the LOT Club. I also try to participate as much as possible in events that other clubs are hosting and other events that happen on campus. 

What do you love about Questrom? I love most the people - the students and professors are amazing!

Favorite memory? Any Thursday at Cornwalls and my cohort's Annual Ski Trip, which is a tradition that we will continue long after we have graduated.

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