Category: second year

5 Reasons TechConnect was one of the Best Events during my MBA Experience (as of yet…)

1. Awesome Panelists and Moderators Security panelists (l to r) Rob Zalkland, Lee Weiner and Paul Roberts The event brought together industry professionals from some of the most hottest domains in technology: Internet of Things, Mobile Payments and Security and Privacy. It was a perfect blend of industry leaders and new disruptive entrants: the insights […]


The week leading up to graduation was called “Disorientation” for all graduating second years.  It involved a week of fun activities fully planned by students.  Here’s a look at what went down… Kimball Farms – arriving by school bus Batting Cages Bumper boats Disorientation bracelets Barbeque lunch Paintball F1 racing – scoping out the course […]