Category: networking

Health Sector Management Networking Night

On Monday April 4, 2015 the Health Sector Management Club (HSM) hosted a spring networking event for 1st and 2nd year MBA students, as well as MSMS students.  The event hosted 14 alumni and guests representing companies throughout the health sector.  Highlights included Shire Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi Genzyme, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston Medical Center, and Vertex […]

The MSMF Perspective

It’s November and just like that we are 2 months into the MSMF program. The program kicked off with an orientation aimed at readying the students for the semester ahead, culminating in an enjoyable duck boat tour of Boston and drinks at the popular Bleacher Bar which gave the new international students a first-hand look […]

Breaking Convention Left and Right: A 1st Year’s Perspective on the New Curriculum & Module System

There are all kinds of stereotypes floating around about MBA students. The most widely accepted is that we’re cutthroat: mercilessly competitive, money-driven, and power-hungry. When I was considering the decision to attend business school, I was a bit unsure about being included in a group labeled with these characteristics. I subscribed to the stereotype. I’ll […]


Post by: Sapna SaxenaMS-MBA 2014 We spend a large portion of the day at SMG – whether in class, team meetings, the library, or at the SMG Starbucks grabbing much-needed coffee. We connect with our classmates through class discussions and over a drink during Thirsty Thursdays and other social gatherings. Conferences are nonstop and networking […]

Go West, Young MBA

Post by:Neil YajnikMS-MBA 2013   Last month, a group of 17 MBAs embarked on the West Coast Networking Club’s annual Technology Trek to Silicon Valley. We spent three days taking in the sights and sounds of the San Francisco Bay Area while visiting companies such as Chevron, Google, Globant, Zynga, NetApp, HP, and even getting a chance […]