Category: mixer

Health Sector Management Mixer

This week students from the BU Health Sector Management (HSM) club attended a mixer at the Field House in Central Square.  Also in attendance were students from similar clubs at MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School.  Everyone had a great time getting to know other business students interested in the healthcare industry […]

A Quick Look Back on First Semester

Post by: Rob Gordon MBA 2013 As the first semester comes to a close, I thought it would be nice to look back on a handful of events, conferences, social activities, case competitions, and outings that took place at the School of Management over the past few months. International MBA students overlooking China’s Forbidden City […]

SMG Kicks Off the Year with the All Grad School Mixer!

Post by:Maya Tatsuno MBA/MPH in Health Policy and Management, 2013 What happens when you get leaders across BU graduate programs and campuses together to plan an event?  Over 800 RSVPs across 5 different graduate programs; as well as collaboration, communication and endless networking opportunities among students who bare the BU crest to professionally excel and […]