Category: Lauren

Graduation Brunch

Post by: Lauren AbrahamsMS-MBA 2011Public & Nonprofit ManagementMBA Council, PNP Club, Net Impact Last Friday was our Graduation Brunch and what might considered the kick-off to a month of festivities leading up to the big day. After organizing so many events over the past year as a member of Graduate Student Council, it was a […]

Spring Semester Equals…Snow?

Post by:Lauren AbrahamsMS-MBA 2011Public & Nonprofit ManagementMBA Council, PNP Club, Net Impact Spring Semester Equals…Snow? As I write this, snowflakes the size of golf balls are falling on Boston. 3,012 miles away (but who’s counting?) at home in Los Angeles, my sister is enjoying 81-degree weather. While I’m a bit jealous of her January beach […]

Reflections: Year 2, going by quickly

Post by:Lauren AbrahamsMS-MBA 2011Public & Nonprofit ManagementMBA Council, PNP Club, Net Impact Tomorrow at 7am I will click on the “register” button and sign-up for Spring 2011 classes. It’s hard to believe that these are the last classes I will take at BU. It’s my last chance to take a class that will round out […]

A bit of this, a bit of that

Post by: Lauren Abrahams MS-MBA 2011Public & Nonprofit ManagementMBA Council, PNP Club, Net Impact If you haven’t already gathered from the information above, I will graduate from BU with a bit of a schizophrenic resume (all by design), which if you know me probably sounds about right. As an MS-MBA student I start my week […]