Category: Juan

The end

Post by: Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 The academic year flew by and it has finally come to an end. There is a confusing bitter sweet taste in completing this program. The sweetness of the victory of completing a demanding program in one year and of joining the ranks of people trained to take […]


Post By Juan Estrada, International MBA candidate. I continue to write about job search related subject as this is my top priority this semester. Last semester I focused on raising my GPA and didn’t do much more related to looking for a job than attending the NSHMBA conference in Chicago and interviewing with a couple […]

Winter Break – Finding Clarity

Post by: Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 Winter break commitments are hard to keep. During my break I intended to read a book on case interviews and search for and apply to jobs every day. But then I was at home with my family, with good friends, good food, good 80 degree weather, and […]


Post by:Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 The semester has been advancing at a quick pace. All of a sudden we are almost a month away from the end. The long term tiredness starts to kick in, that feeling of fatigue that doesn’t go away completely after a weekend of rest. Times continue to be […]

Hola – Perspectives in Spanish from an International MBA Student

Entrada escrita por:Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 Hoy hace un buen día, por lo menos mucho mejor que en los días anteriores. Y mejor aun siendo viernes, tras una semana de clima lluvioso y de mucho trabajo. Todavía mejor como antesala a un fin de semana de tres días. Soy un estudiante del programa […]

Perspectives from an International MBA Student

Post by: Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 It’s a really nice day out today. Much better than the past days at least. It’s great to have a nice Friday after a week of gloomy weather and a very intense schedule, especially as the starter of a three day weekend. I am an international MBA […]