Category: IMBA

1st Annual Boston University Health and Life Sciences Conference

“It felt like a PROFESSIONAL conference, not a student-run event.” Those words ringing in my ears from attendees convinced me that the chairs and leadership committee of the 1st Annual Boston University Health and Life Sciences Conference had succeeded in achieving the near-impossible: success which exceeded even our own expectations. It had taken more than […]

Living In the Far East

The Boston University One-Year  International MBA (IMBA) program has found a great recipe for creating strength amongst a diverse group and expanding leadership acumen. This past summer, my twenty-five classmates and I lived in China, in the same apartment complex, engaging in rigorous course study.  We were provided the opportunity to live in Shanghai, one […]

P&G Gillette Sustainability Challenge

Post by:Gilberto MillaresIMBA 2013  Some of Procter &Gamble’s sustainability goals for the future include completely eliminating the waste they currently generate, using only renewable energy in all their facilities, and having environmentally-friendly products and packages. As you might guess, such endeavors present an extremely difficult challenge for a global company, so they are constantly looking […]

Diverse Backgrounds Provide Unexpected Insights

Post By: Phil Duffy International MBA, 2012 Prior to joining the International MBA program, I’d read multiple sources that claimed learning from classmates constitutes a major part of the MBA experience. However, as a slightly older student with 16 years of management experience, I was skeptical that classmates with less experience would significantly broaden my […]

From China to Boston-An International MBA Student Perspective

Post by: Kira Sargatzke International MBA 2012 Hello everyone! I am very excited, because this is my first blog. My name is Kira and I am part of the One-Year International MBA Program here at Boston University. Now autumn has finally arrived in Boston and with it, a lot of work (midterms, group projects, etc.). […]

Hola – Perspectives in Spanish from an International MBA Student

Entrada escrita por:Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 Hoy hace un buen día, por lo menos mucho mejor que en los días anteriores. Y mejor aun siendo viernes, tras una semana de clima lluvioso y de mucho trabajo. Todavía mejor como antesala a un fin de semana de tres días. Soy un estudiante del programa […]

Perspectives from an International MBA Student

Post by: Juan J Estrada International MBA 2011 It’s a really nice day out today. Much better than the past days at least. It’s great to have a nice Friday after a week of gloomy weather and a very intense schedule, especially as the starter of a three day weekend. I am an international MBA […]