Category: boston

Health Sector Management Mixer

This week students from the BU Health Sector Management (HSM) club attended a mixer at the Field House in Central Square.  Also in attendance were students from similar clubs at MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School.  Everyone had a great time getting to know other business students interested in the healthcare industry […]

The MSMF Perspective

It’s November and just like that we are 2 months into the MSMF program. The program kicked off with an orientation aimed at readying the students for the semester ahead, culminating in an enjoyable duck boat tour of Boston and drinks at the popular Bleacher Bar which gave the new international students a first-hand look […]

My Epic MBA: Adventures of the New SMG Curriculum

As I prepared to become a student again, trekking cross-country from Oakland, CA, I knew that I had to make an impact in my new MBA community at Boston University – but how? Module 1: 3 Subjects, 6 WeeksIn the new curriculum, we master 3 subjects in 6 weeks through 2 3-hour classes a day, […]

Breaking Convention Left and Right: A 1st Year’s Perspective on the New Curriculum & Module System

There are all kinds of stereotypes floating around about MBA students. The most widely accepted is that we’re cutthroat: mercilessly competitive, money-driven, and power-hungry. When I was considering the decision to attend business school, I was a bit unsure about being included in a group labeled with these characteristics. I subscribed to the stereotype. I’ll […]

My exciting -working- summer in Boston with Education Pioneers!

I had a great experience working to the Graduate Summer Fellowship at Education Pioneers, a national non-profit organization that promotes leadership towards the Education Reform. I am passionate about reducing inequality and better understanding of the education issues would allow me to find my niche in this sector. From a social perspective, there isn’t anything more important than education as it is […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Post By:Meg Meyer MBA/MPH, 2012 As a Graduate Admissions Assistant, there are several questions that I am frequently asked by prospective students who are interested in Boston University’s MBA programs.  Hopefully my answers to those questions will be helpful for those of you who are considering applying and coming to BU.     1)      What do […]