Category: Ajay

MBA Time Machine

(above) Ajay and other Cohort D students enjoy their trip to Guatemala Post By Ajay MehtaMBA Candidate 2011 MBA Time Machine Two years of school in the middle of my career was the perfect break from the working world. It was tough to adjust to the no-income student lifestyle but looking back it was one […]

My Winter Break: A Trip to Sri Lanka

(A pic of Ajay from his trip – making friends with an elephant!) Post by:Ajay MehtaMBA 2011 As I’m sure you’ve heard from every school you’re applying to, or every MBA graduate you may have spoken to, much of getting an MBA is about networking and meeting your classmates and other professionals. Part of that […]

Networking, Networking, Networking

Post by:Ajay Mehta MBA 2011 How to network is one of the many tools that you learn and perfect as a MBA. It starts when you get to campus and start practicing your elevator pitch within the first week. The career center helps you reach out to alumni/companies that you are interested in and learn […]

Post by:Ajay MehtaMBA 2011General MBA focusing in Operations and Business StrategyMBA Council, Operations Club The Final Year Begins This is actually my first attempt at a blog and I’m a little nervous on what will come out. Perhaps I should relate it to business school… ONE MORE YEAR! Being back in Boston is, in a […]