Graduate Student Blog

Studying an International MBA in China

Post by: Gilberto Millares
International MBA, ‘13

Imagine moving thousands of miles away from home to a place with a language you don’t understand, a life style opposite to what you are used to, and knowing absolutely no one. Sounds exciting, right? That is exactly how 27 students coming from 14 different countries started the International MBA program this past summer. Specifically for me, after a trip of about 27 hours from Mexico City to San Francisco and then Beijing, I finally arrived in an exotic place where I would share my life with a group of strangers who quickly became my friends and family. After a couple of days of wandering around Beijing and overcoming the worst of the jet lag, we finally started a summer of intense work and play.

During this summer we studied the core classes of the MBA such as accounting, marketing, operations management and others. We discussed cases and crunched their numbers; we developed and presented business plans; we stayed up long nights working on an integrated project and studying for the midterm and final exams. Overall, we did all the typical classroom stuff required for any MBA.
But we also learned about other business and working styles, especially how business happens in China. We learned about Indian dances, Greek politics and economy, about the Red Sox and Peruvian food. By immersing in all these cultures through living and studying with people from all around the world, we learned how to manage people that might have completely different backgrounds and cultures, how to manage crisis and how to live and work in teams. Overall, we learned the hardest part of business: managing people and getting the best out of one another.
So, how did we do this? Well, we started by living for a month in Beijing and then two in Shanghai. We had guest lecturers, visited local and international companies, and explored important cultural places such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. In our spare time, we would eat out both at street meat grills and in fancy mandarin duck restaurants; we would go bargaining to markets and dancing in basements with locals. We strived to understand the motivations of the Chinese and their vision for the future, to see how they have achieved such prolonged growth. We studied China and the world with a completely new perspective that will better allow us to make decisions with a global perspective. Most importantly, we learned how to bring back all this knowledge and apply it to our future careers and businesses.

Gilberto Millares is an International MBA student with experience in strategy and operations consulting and an expert in cooking noodles and dumplings, skills aquired during his summer in China.

The End of an Era, the Start of a Dynasty

Post by:Justin Tyo
MS in Mathematical Finance Candidate, ‘14

Three weeks in as a Mathematical Finance student and the pace of school has picked up immensely. Midterms around the corner, weekly problem sets due and regular study hours in a 16 by 16 studio apartment. The crazy part about all of it is that I love it. There is really nothing more energizing than regular class meetings with some of the smartest Mathematics professors and students in the nation.

However, three weeks ago, I was coming to Boston from a small town in Northern New York called Massena. Shall we clarify what “Northern New York” is? It is in fact not near Albany, Syracuse or Buffalo; rather it is 150 miles straight north of Syracuse located on the Canadian border. Also known as “The Gateway to Canada,” “Yeah, it gets real cold up there,” or simply just “The Tundra,” Massena is the definition of an awesome small town where everyone knows everyone and every person is there to lend a hand whenever you need it. However, Boston is the polar opposite of that; a large city with a lively community where you’d be lucky to meet 1% of the population over the course of your working career. Boston University has helped make that transition easy.

Deciding to go from open fields to a lively city was a difficult decision to make, but I wouldn’t have done it differently. The opportunities in  the Boston University Mathematical Finance program are phenomenal and the experience of coming to a prestigious school like BU is priceless. I am surrounded by my classmates who are always willing to lend a hand with anything that you may need, which is comparable to that tight-knit culture that I am used to. The program is comprised of such diverse cultures that it is exciting to hear about my classmate’s backgrounds. Just like me, they all come from their own unique places across the world. The best thing about Mathematics is that its a universal language. Despite our drastically different native languages, we all know how to do proofs, derivatives, and integrals and communicate it flawlessly to one another (if we know the answer, of course). That’s what makes our Mathematical Finance program so interesting because our passion for learning and Mathematics brings us together within a classroom setting which allows us to feed off each other’s intelligence and intuition.

We have begun developing a family-like atmosphere within our Mathematical Finance program and it has only been three weeks. The orientation week and several social events have made it all possible through the help of the Graduate Programs Office. They do a wonderful job in coordinating events that bring us close together from the start. Most importantly however, meeting some of the brightest minds from not just across our nation but across the planet is an invaluable experience which has certainly made me proud to be a part of this program. I am looking forward to the next 17 months and growing the professional relationships that I have begun to develop with my classmates.

 Justin Tyois a first year Mathematical Finance student with experience in options trading and credit modeling. He played for the St. John Fisher College Men’s Golf team from 2008-2011 whose team won three consecutive ECAC Championships.
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My Summer Internship at the World Health Organization

Post By:
Catherine Shih
MBA/MPH in Global Health Management, 2013 
In 2010, over eight hundred billion was spent on pharmaceuticals globally.  This represents about a quarter of the global expenditure on health illustrating the importance of medicines to not only consumers, but also to governments and payers alike.  Interestingly, the difference in the amount spent on pharmaceuticals on a per capita basis varies significantly between income groups and World Health Organization regions. For example, about $9 per capita is spent in the Africa region compared to $243 per capita in the Europe region.  This illustrates the disparities in pharmaceutical access across regions of the world. 
Outside the WHO main building


I spent my summer analyzing medicines expenditures around the world for the World HealthOrganization (WHO).  Not only did I get to become a whiz with Microsoft Excel and Access through my work developing chart books, reports and databases, but I also had the opportunity to present my findings to regional representatives.  It is hoped that by presenting relatively up to date information on health expenditures broken down by regional and income level, decision makers can analyze their current medicines financing situations and make improvements. 
Interning with the WHO gave me the opportunity to see how broad health policy is developed, particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals.  In addition, being in Geneva offered me not only the opportunity to participate in events and seminars put on by other UN agencies such as the United Nations, the International LaborOffice and the World Trade Organization, but also the experience of living in Switzerland.  

With the summer now over, I hope to maintain my ties with the WHO through participating in pharmaceutical related seminars and talks here in Boston, in addition to doing part time projects related to the work I was doing this summer.
Catherine Shih is a 2ndyear MPH-MBA with experience in tax policy, international trade, and organizational development.  She spent the summer in Geneva working for the World Health Organization and eating chocolate. 

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My Summer Internship at Aimia

Post By:
Alex Bonder
MBA, 2013 


My summer internship was a great experience. I got the chance to work at Aimia, a global leader in loyalty management, in Montreal, Canada. The company has over 3,400 employees and presence in Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America.
I worked as a strategy consultant for the travel business developing area. My project was to analyze the possibility of developing a business intelligence tool for airlines that could help them to do deeper, customer focused analysis.  I was very lucky to be involved in this project for many reasons: I learned about the business intelligence industry which was something new for me, the project involved the airline industry which is my passion and is related to my professional background, and finally I worked as a consultant which is the type of work I would like to do in the future. 
Montreal is an amazing city. It merges the flavor and food of a French culture with the utmost order of the British culture. The city offers a diverse number of cultural activities during the summer. I got the chance to attend to the annual jazz festival, one of the most famous in the world.
Alex (bottom left) and friends in Montreal
My summer experience as an MBA exceeded my expectations; I made good friends at work, the project was challenging and very interesting, and the city was spectacular. 
Alexander Bonder is a 2nd Year MBA. Although life, work and graduate school have taught him about the "turbulent" nature of the airlines industry, turbosine seems to be in his veins.

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Summer of Social Innovation Finance

Post By:
Tim Pennell
MBA, 2013
The nonprofit and private sectors were abuzz this summer with news of advancements in Pay for Success and Social Impact Bonds in New York City and Massachusetts. I was fortunate to be working for the summer as a Senior Analyst at Third Sector Capital Partners, a leader in social innovation financing and the firm selected to oversee the first-in-the-nation initiatives in Massachusetts.
What is social innovation financing? Each year, the U.S. spends billions of dollars on social programs that fail to achieve measurable impact. At the same time, there are limited funds to grow programs with documented results. Pay for Success programs, when combined with innovative social financing mechanisms, present opportunities to create unique public-private partnerships to redirect resources towards preventative initiatives that measurably improve lives.
As a member of the Third Sector team I was able to apply many of the skills I acquired during my first year at BU - from excel modeling and preparing presentations for negotiations with the state to creating a new company website and writing a case study. Working for Third Sector was the perfect application of business acumen to solving a key issue for nonprofits and governments nationwide. At the end of the summer I will stay on part-time at Third Sector.
I landed at Third Sector by serving as a New Sector Summer Fellow. The fellowship provided the opportunity to receive additional trainings and interactions with other MBAs and students from across the country working in Boston for the summer. 
Tim Pennell is a 2nd Year MBA in the Public & Non-Profit concentration. Prior to BU, Tim worked in fundraising for a symphony orchestra. This fall he is continuing work part-time with Third Sector Capital Partners, his summer employer.
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Education Pioneers [Part 2 of 2]

Part 2 by:
Pammi Bhullar, MBA 2013
Renato Orozco, MBA 2013
Dana Connolly, MS-MBA 2013

PAMMI BHULLAR – MBA Class of 2013, PNP -- BOSTON COHORT [Boston Public Schools]

Pammi (left), with some Boston fellows

This summer I worked in the Finance and Budget Office at Boston Public Schools (BPS). BPS is dedicated to improving student achievement by providing the leadership, procedures, systems, and customer support necessary for principals to maximize teacher effectiveness. As a Fellow, I collaborated with central office and school leaders to build a culture of documenting and effectively communicating policies and procedures. My ability to empower employees to execute a cultural change on their own and to effectively communicate solutions in a simple manner enabled BPS to decrease the time spent on transactional issues and more time on empowering leaders to make financial decisions. In the long-term this will support principals in the instructional and managerial aspects of creating more effective, better prepared teachers.

A combination of my EP experience and honest feedback I've received along the way has directed me to a career in empowering others to achieve their potential. This could be through leading professional development or fellowship programs, or through empowerment initiatives for communities through capacity building.

Through EP workshops, visiting schools, and working at Boston Public Schools I gained tremendous insight into several aspects of the educational system, including teacher evaluations, weighted student funding, after-school student learning opportunities, and labor relations. This well-rounded exposure to a sector deeply in need of reform has challenged my initial perspective on what it takes to prepare students for the working world.

During the summer, I became friends with an ambitious young lady and EP Fellow who recently started a nonprofit called FuelEd. Through our connection at EP, we became friends and I was able to contribute to her organization and witness its exceptional growth during its first year of operations. Seeing her dedication to developing teachers' capacity for building more effective relationships with students has been inspirational.

RENATO OROZCO: MBA Class of 2013, PNP -- NEW YORK CITY COHORT [Teach for America]

Renato (left), and a few other NYC Fellows

Teach for America supports, prepares and develops 10,000 teachers to face the challenge of closing the achievement gap in the United States. As a Fellow with the Strategy & Innovation team, I evaluated pilot projects and created a snapshot of how resources are being allocated to support teachers. This analysis was subsequently used to inform TFA's senior leadership on what projects should be scaled-up.

My previous professional background is on business and government. Since I had never worked in a nonprofit, this experience helped me to confirm this industry as my post-MBA career objective.

Through EP workshops, interacting with other EP Fellows and working at TFA I gained tremendous insight into several aspects of the educational system and challenges related to improving education.

I had the chance to organize an EPU (Ed. Pioneers Unplugged Workshop) where I and other fellows pitched our start-up ideas to the audience, receiving feedback. It was great to have so many people help to think through my project and contribute with their advice.


Dana (3rd from left), and other Bay Area fellows during a trip to Sonoma

KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) is the name associated with a network of charter schools that began with just two teachers in a single classroom and has grown to more than 2,700 teachers serving more than 39,000 kids in 125 schools across the country. The KIPP Foundation was created in order to grow this network by training outstanding school leaders to open and operate autonomous KIPP schools and supporting excellence and sustainability across the network and leading network-wide innovation efforts.

My specific role was to support the Talent Team, which is responsible for the acquisition, development, and retention of superstars who will maintain the extraordinary momentum of the Foundation and in turn support the growing nature of the KIPP network. I created the first ever “State of the Talent” report to analyze trends regarding turnover rates, professional development opportunities, alignment with core values, and other aspects that define the nature of the Talent at KIPP Foundation; essentially a story-telling tool to influence strategic human capital decisions for the near future.

My intended career path is still hazy, but as a result of this summer I have at the very least become more aware of the breadth of career possibilities that exist within the education sector. This experience confirmed for me that I want to work for organizations or companies that have children (and/or other populations who require a great deal community support to thrive) at their primary core. I’ve been reassured that my degrees and experiences can absolutely be used to help others realize opportunities, achievements, and happiness that they might otherwise be denied.

Another lasting benefit of this summer is the network that I’ve become a part of – and not just with my cohort and Bay Area alumni. I feel a deep connection to all past, present and future Education Pioneers and am incredibly humbled (and still bewildered as to how I even got this opportunity) that I will forever be associated with these people who are amazingly brilliant, driven, and compassionate.

I personally had never spent more than 2 weeks away from my beloved East Coast, but once the Dunkin Donuts withdrawal wore off and I realized that it’s ok to wear a coat in July, I absolutely loved the Bay Area! I got to bond with my Cohort over tacos, street festivals, hiking trips, stoplight parties, after-work discussions, brown-bag lunch sessions, and a party bus to wine country.


To me it seems that the best words to describe the feeling that all six of us are walking away with after this summer are “inspired” and “invigorated” (We’re also relieved that no one was bitten by snakes or had their oxen get ill along the way). The summer gave us exposure into some of the fantastic work that is being done in the education sector and also ignited an undeniable spark to be ready and optimistic about the work that still needs to be tackled so that all kids can have the same access to a phenomenal education and in turn the same chances to achieve in the classroom and far beyond.

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Education Pioneers [Part 1 of 2]

Part 1 by:
Matt Roper, MBA 2013
Sonal Dhingra, MS-MBA 2013
Rachel Alexander, MBA 2013 
Intro and blog post coordinating by Dana Connolly, MS-MBA, 2013
This summer, six BU SMG students had the opportunity to be part of a group of over 330 Education Pioneers Graduate School Fellows. This widely recognized national pipeline program, founded in 2003, partners with more 130 education organizations across the country - including school districts, government agencies, charter schools, and other leading education organizations – with a direct focus on fostering leadership and management talent for positions outside of the classroom. The fellowship program will boast around 2,000 alumni by 2013, and has cohorts set up in 7 major metropolitan areas throughout the country.
So, Pioneer might seem like an odd term, seeing as this sector is constantly being explored and there is an overwhelming number of start-up organizations focused on Education reform (not to mention the fact that we’re not going off in covered wagons, catching typhoid or fording rivers…)
In a way though, there is an element of “braving the unknown” in that this fellowship program sets us up to plot a course for a destination that has yet to be reached: one where every child has an equal opportunity to get a great education. The Education Pioneers Fellowship program hones in on creating strong and dynamic leaders that will transform the schools, districts, and systems with the goal of completely eliminating these long-existing inequities and issues.
The beauty of this fellowship program is that although we are all coordinated under the same organization, the experiences of each fellow vary immensely. The six of us thought it would be great to share a bit about our respective summers “pioneering” both with regards to our projects and with our Cohort experiences (On a personal note, I think this is a particularly awesome feat that we coordinated a 6 person blog post from 3 different states…just sayin’.)  
This first blog post includes the contributions of Matt, Sonal, and Rachel.  Check back for Pammi, Renato, and Dana's excerpts next week!
MATT ROPER: MBA Class of 2013, PNP & Finance -- TEXAS COHORT [Educate Texas]
Matt (right), enjoying a Rangers game in his home state

A leading catalyst for progress, Educate Texas, a public-private initiative of Communities Foundation of Texas, is an innovative alliance of public and private groups that share a common goal: improving the public education system so that every Texas student is prepared for success in school, in the workforce, and in life.

My work focuses on organizational goals, strategies and metrics for Educate Texas which help track the performance of the main programs and initiatives that are currently being run. My main role involves a project aimed at identifying specific metrics that can be used to track progress and effectiveness of the strategies and creating a tool that will allow Educate Texas employees and partners to easily capture the defined metrics.

I chose to become an Education Pioneers Fellow to gain further understanding of the major issues in education and bring my leadership, organization and quantitative skills to the sector to help expand and increase the effectiveness of potential solutions. This summer has helped me determine where I want to focus my work in education - on out of school time nonprofits and social ventures.

I think the cohort experience is the strongest benefit to the program. Meeting with a group of individuals that all want to improve education but in different ways helps expand your views and find new areas where you can grow. I met some great people in my cohort and look forward to continuing to build our relationship and seeing where we all end up in 5-10 years.

One of the fellows in my cohort was placed with the George W. Bush Institute this summer and due to this placement, all of the fellows in the Dallas area were able to meet with former President Bush for about an hour to talk education and the goals of his foundation. It was an extremely interesting experience. Regardless of politics (mine or yours), it was incredible to meet a former President and something that only happened because of my involvement with Education Pioneers.

SONAL DHINGRA – MS-MBA Class of 2013, PNP & LOT -- BOSTON COHORT [Curriculum Associates]
Sonal (above) and her project being presented to a group of around 200 (below)

I chose to become an Education Pioneer Fellow because I wanted to see what the variety of opportunities were in the Ed space besides being an educator or administrator. Prior to the fellowship, I was a Massachusetts Promise Fellow (AmeriCorps) at Science Club for Girls in Cambridge, MA and before that I worked in IT service delivery at State Street Corporation.

My project is to create the digital and social media presence for Curriculum Associates relatively new education technology product, i-Ready. In my role I've created the questions, slated customers for interview, filmed the interviews as well as edited the footage. Soon this footage will be used to build up the organization's YouTube channel and expand CA's social media footprint. So far I've traveled to North Carolina, Louisiana, Ohio and California and am slated to make some final stops in New York and Connecticut.

Coming from a non-educational background (State Street and then AmeriCorps), I always thought that you could only be a teacher or a principal in the education space. But since my time as an Ed Pioneer Fellow, I've learned that there are a ton more things that are going on in this sector and I'm excited to see first-hand that digital and social media marketing are a part of this space.

RACHEL ALEXANDER: MBA Class of 2013, PNP -- BOSTON COHORT [Boston After School And Beyond]
Rachel (second from right) with her hybrid group in Boston

I was part of the Greater Boston cohort, with a placement at Boston After School and Beyond, a public/private partnership dedicated to supporting, strengthening, and expanding the city's after-school sector. I worked on a development strategy for the organization, identifying major funders in the field and the best paths for connecting with them in order to build a long-term, sustainable revenue stream.

While I was already certain that I would return to the field of education after business school, the fellowship helped me refine my understanding of the type of organization I'd like to work at: one that is nimble, collaborative, and moving the field forward in a significant way. It also showed me that I'd like a job where I'm working with kids at least some of the time -- some hybrid of the organization-strengthening work that is so important, and the youth-interaction work that is the heart and soul of a career in education.

The best moments spent with my cohort were those in which I got to learn about other Fellows' backgrounds and experiences. Talking with former teachers informed my understanding of systems-change at the school level, while conversations with those coming from private-sector roles showed me why an outside perspective is sometimes so important. I know that it is this network of professionals, all of whom care deeply about education equity, that will be the most valuable element of my experience in years to come. 


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Asian Field Seminar, Spring 2012

Post By:
Sheri Cheng
PEMBA, 2012 

From May 27th to June 8th, a group of 21 MBA students along with Professor Jay Kim of the Operations and Technology Management department and Dave Veira of the Graduate Program Office traveled through Asia for the Asia Field Seminar.  The trip included PEMBA students from both the Charles River campus and the North Campus, and a few full-time students who were completing this trip as the last course of their MBA program.

In our exploration of Beijing, Shanghai, and Seoul, Professor Kim encouraged us to look at areas of opportunity in Asia in the current globalization movement.  Professor Kim also led by example in the importance of networking and maintaining strong alumni connections worldwide.
Caroline Keely enjoys the tabletop touchscreen computer in the Lenovo showroom
The group, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing
(L to R) Evan DiLeo, Jonathan Caldwell, Ken Hoge, Caroline Keely, and Gaurav Tanna take smoothie break with Professor Kim in the Forbidden City in Beijing
Maggie Liu and Caroline Keely with Professor Kim at the Great Wall in Badaling China
Mark Duthe rides a Segway at Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China
Gaurav Tanna pours baijiu for Mr. Harry Sung, president of the AC division of LG China as a ritual of respect
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) campus, Shanghai, China
The group at the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), a planned urban area outside of Seoul
The group at GM Korea
With the Korean BU MBA Alumni Association, whose motto is always, "One BU!"
Sheri Cheng is a former science teacher and tech director at an urban charter school in Boston with a penchant for 7th grade humor. An MBA student concentrating in Entrepreneurship and Leadership & Organizational Transformation, Sheri expects to finish her coursework in December 2012. Follow her on Twitter @sheriann13.

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European Field Seminar, Spring 2012

Post By:
Tom Cantwell
PEMBA, 2013
Team members from the trip getting to know each other at the welcome dinner
Right after Memorial Day Weekend, 20 MBA students traveled across Europe for the European Field Seminar.  Led by French native Professor Frederic Brunel, our trip brought us to Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and Budapest as we gained a breadth of knowledge on the impact of European culture and government structure on a variety of industries.  Having led a number of seminars in the past, Professor Brunel provided a great context for business in the European Union, and made an exceptional tour guide during our brief moments of downtime.  Kristen Fischer from the GPO joined us as one of the group leaders as well, ensuring that the group was both organized and safe!  Our class was a mix of both full-time and part-time students with a range of different cultural backgrounds, and graduate concentrations, which provided a great opportunity for everyone to deepen their personal and professional networks.
Monica at the Audi plant in Hungary
Inside the European Commission
Through exposure to a multitude of companies, we learned about many of the unique impacts of both European culture and government on different industries.  In Amsterdam, we witnessed how the efficient nature of the Dutch had an intrinsic impact on operations at Flora Holland, the largest flower auctioneer in the world.  At the Audi plant in Brussels, we learned how plant manager’s general concern for worker safety inspired line workers to drive innovation in the workplace.  We were impressed with the analytical capabilities of the workforce in Budapest, and had the opportunity to learn how financial firms like Morgan Stanley are positioning themselves to develop and maintain a direct line into the emerging Hungarian talent pool.  
Team members posing in Budapest
The timing of the trip was especially unique as we were in Europe during the thick of the Greek debt crisis.  During our visit to Brussels, we were able to meet with economists, financial sector leaders, and members from the European Commission throughout the trip to get their perspective on contributing factors to the crisis, and requirements for a sustainable solution.  We also gained a deeper understanding of how our own economy is interlinked with that of the European Union.
Team members in Paris during the weekend
In front of a windmill outside of Amsterdam the weekend before the trip 

As a member of the Leadership and Organizational Transformation concentration, I personally gained the most in learning about leadership in different European cultures.  In many of the companies we visited, I observed how leaders adapt their styles to get the most out of a European employee base.  Through this observation, I learned that leaders were using the same leadership frameworks that we employ, however they were adapting them to the culture of the organization that they were leading.  The importance of situational leadership has now grown on me, and I have been able to carry apply many of my observations in subsequent leadership coursework. 

Tom is a Manager in Process Improvement at Liberty Mutual Insurance.  He is expected to graduate from the Part Time Evening MBA Program at BU in 2013 with a concentration in Leadership and Organizational Transformation.  

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My Summer Internship with the Cohort Cup

Post By:
Ryan Sosin
MBA, 2013

Celebrating 1 million Facebook "Likes" for The Today Show
Hot on the heels of Cohort B’s historic Cohort Cup title, I landed my summer internship with NBC News Digital. I have spent my summer with the Cup in Seattle working on ad sales strategy for, and three emerging technology sites – Newsvine, BreakingNews and EveryBlock. 
What makes my internship unique is that it is a tandem internship with fellow BU MBA candidate and Cohort Cup champion Olivia Horsfield. Olivia and I were brought in to tackle a list of projects, working together to develop action plans, create sales collateral and help improve the monetization of the emerging sites. The idea of this tandem internship was devised by BU MBA, and our boss, Parag Vaish (GSM ‘03). Working together has been a natural extension of the semester as Olivia and I were teammates throughout the second semester of our first year.
It is amazing how much of the first year curriculum has come to influence the outcome of our internship projects. Beyond the obvious teamwork rapport that Olivia and I built during the semester, we have had to use skills honed in organizational behavior, marketing, quantitative data analysis, and strategy and negotiations (a must-take class).  
Olivia and I also lucked out on when we were working at NBC News Digital. On July 16, NBC announced that it had bought out Microsoft’s share of the joint venture that was our company. Getting an inside glimpse as to how a company prepares for a massive transition and then executes on those plans has been a very exciting and educational experience. 
While Boston was melting under a string of heat waves, Olivia and I got to enjoy the decidedly cool Pacific Northwest. I took the opportunity to visit Vancouver and Portland while Olivia travelled to Levenworth and San Francisco. We went to a Red Sox-Mariners game, traversed the Space Needle, watched fireworks on the Puget Sound and ducked the flying fish of Pike Place Market. We have both really enjoyed our time here, but are excited to get back to Boston to defend the Cup.
Olivia Horsfield (GSM, '13), Parag Vaish (GSM, '03), Amy Fox (EDM, '12), Parker Fox (GSM, '12), and Ryan Sosin (GSM, '13) represent BU at a Red Sox-Mariners game at Safeco Field

As a Cohort Cup champion, let me offer a few takeaways from my first year. While it is natural to feel uneasy when you don’t have an internship by Red Sox Opening Day, try to stay calm and focused – a lot of my classmates landed great internships in the waning days of the semester. Second, look for internships in cities you may want to live in after you graduate – it is like taking a city for a test drive. Finally, go to Cohort Cup events and try to beat our first-year MVP Nishant Sharma’s attendance record. 

Ryan Sosin is a rising 2nd Year MBA with experience in collegiate athletics and a life-long dream of being an astronaut. You can find him defending the Cohort Cup at Cornwall’s. Follow @thefosh on Twitter.

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