A Prescription for Better Healthcare

A few weeks ago, a team of MBA students kicked off the third annual Health and Life Sciences Conference at Questrom School of Business to discuss “A Prescription for Better Healthcare”.  This year focused on the provision of high-value services to patients across the continuum of healthcare.   The event sold out with just under 300 attendees and featured 40 speakers throughout the day.

It was a great opportunity for students to gain insight from industry leaders like the President of Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Peter Slavin, and President and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Andrew Dreyfus.  The event was also full of networking opportunities with company sponsors, breakout panels to discuss topics like healthcare quality, and a lightning round featuring early-stage companies to highlight their healthcare innovations.  

The event is completely student driven and a great way for Questrom students to engage in the healthcare community.  We’re excited what is in store for the HLSC in years to come.

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