Final Thoughts from Outgoing Graduate Student Council President, Sonal Dhingra

This time last year I was ending my internship and summer adventures and anticipating the start of my last school year at BU GSM.  Today, I am enjoying the remainder of my first summer vacation in a long time and reminiscing about all the great memories and where all the time went.  

Serving as Graduate Student Council President was challenging but also rewarding.  I had the opportunity to serve a community that has given me so much and developed and strengthened friendships that will last a lifetime.  Council is the voice of the students and we worked very hard to remain true to this during the year, though it was not always easy.  As a team, we were able to do small things, like getting a coffee maker put in to the grad lounge, to more impactful things, like increasing student and club funding dollars by over 60% from the previous year.  We hosted successful events, broadened our connections with surrounding schools and even managed to have some fun along the way.

If I could leave you with one last piece of advice it would be to remember that you do not need a title to be a leader.  I know this may sound a bit hypocritical, but trust me, you can always find ways to add value and be of service if you truly desire to.
Thank you to all of those that gave of themselves during their time at SMG.  It has been an honor to serve this community that we are all forever connected to.  To the Class of 2013, congratulations on all your accomplishments – thank you so much for an amazing two years!  2014, best of luck on your internships, we know you’ll do big things in the coming year.  And last, but certainly not least, 2015: welcome to the family – we are thrilled to have you and look forward to seeing how you will make your mark when you arrive in August!

 Sonal Dhingra is a dual degree MS-MBA and served as Graduate Student Council President for the 2012-2013 academic year.  

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