Asian Field Seminar, Spring 2012

Post By:
Sheri Cheng
PEMBA, 2012 

From May 27th to June 8th, a group of 21 MBA students along with Professor Jay Kim of the Operations and Technology Management department and Dave Veira of the Graduate Program Office traveled through Asia for the Asia Field Seminar.  The trip included PEMBA students from both the Charles River campus and the North Campus, and a few full-time students who were completing this trip as the last course of their MBA program.

In our exploration of Beijing, Shanghai, and Seoul, Professor Kim encouraged us to look at areas of opportunity in Asia in the current globalization movement.  Professor Kim also led by example in the importance of networking and maintaining strong alumni connections worldwide.
Caroline Keely enjoys the tabletop touchscreen computer in the Lenovo showroom
The group, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing
(L to R) Evan DiLeo, Jonathan Caldwell, Ken Hoge, Caroline Keely, and Gaurav Tanna take smoothie break with Professor Kim in the Forbidden City in Beijing
Maggie Liu and Caroline Keely with Professor Kim at the Great Wall in Badaling China
Mark Duthe rides a Segway at Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China
Gaurav Tanna pours baijiu for Mr. Harry Sung, president of the AC division of LG China as a ritual of respect
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) campus, Shanghai, China
The group at the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), a planned urban area outside of Seoul
The group at GM Korea
With the Korean BU MBA Alumni Association, whose motto is always, “One BU!”
Sheri Cheng is a former science teacher and tech director at an urban charter school in Boston with a penchant for 7th grade humor. An MBA student concentrating in Entrepreneurship and Leadership & Organizational Transformation, Sheri expects to finish her coursework in December 2012. Follow her on Twitter @sheriann13.

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