Global MBAid Group Did Some Great

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Tori Phung
International MBA, 2012

Part of the MBAid 2012 crew at Primeros Pasos

“Ok guys, let’s do some good,” said a Global MBAid member as he headed towards the clinic.

“Good?” echoed someone.
“No! Let’s do some great!”

It was this same can-do attitude and belief in bettering the lives of others that led 28 BU MBA students and friends to join the Global MBAid 2012 Alternative Spring Break trip to Guatemala. Global MBAid is a student-led group that was started by Rob Segan (BU MBA’10) in 2008 with the intent of traveling to under-served communities in Guatemala to work with the non-profit organization, Primeros Pasos. Primeros Pasos is committed to providing holistic healthcare solutions to women and children through education and clinical services in the rural Quezaltenango region of Guatemala.
Valentine’s Day Candygram Fundraiser

Comprised of members from multiple countries, nationalities and industry backgrounds, including both years and all four Cohorts, our 2012 group organized fundraising events to raise money as well as awareness for Primeros Pasos throughout the Fall and Spring.  Our efforts culminated to Spring Break 2012, when put away our suits, packed our suitcases and traveled down to Guatemala. 

In sunglasses and sneakers, we painted walls, built desks and bookshelves and laid pipes for running water—the projects that we completed were almost as diverse as our group itself. Of course, we were only able to get so much done in so little time because we let nothing get in our way.
Members of the MBAid team working to get out of a tricky situation
The MBAid team left Guatemala having not only explored a new country and culture, but with a world view of management in health. Perhaps it is so often said that working for the common good provides a deeper sense of self in leadership, because it is  true. In the words of fellow BU alum, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power, without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.”
MBAid 2012 full group
Tori Phung is an International MBA candidate concentrating in Marketing.  Tori’s experience is in marketing and advertising analytics; her most recent role was a Senior Analyst at an ad agency. When she’s not busy organizing events for the many groups she’s involved with, she can be found blogging at or checking out the local restaurant scene.
Tori co-led the MBAid 2012 trip with Adam Wallick (MBA’13), Maya Tatsuno (MBA-MPH’13) and Naziha Bagui (MBA’12).

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