First Semester in Summary

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Masato Muso
MBA, 2013

Touring Fenway Park with classmates

The first semester was often a period of information overload with multiple events happening at the same time.  When I faced the challenge of managing my time and choosing which events to pick, I thought about what I want to get out of my MBA.

Throughout the semester there were many memorable experiences, but there are 3 major highlights.
Integrated Project
Integrated Project team hard at work

This is a team-based project that includes acquiring a brand and re-branding it to make it a successful product.  The project runs throughout the semester and all subjects, including accounting, finance, marketing, and distribution, had to be addressed to make a successful final presentation. I learned and experienced more about team dynamics and team collaboration through this process that other schools do not offer.  We all understood that we could not accomplish this project as individuals and we had to lean on each other to accomplish our project goals.

Boat Cruise and Winter Gala
On the fall boat cruise

Aside from all the team projects and studying, we also had official student council run events that included the ‘prom’ of graduate school.  We all had fun dancing the night away and hanging out with friends!  I have enjoyed getting to meet  and know more of my classmates through these events.

West Coast Networking Club–Technology Trek
West Coast Networking Trek with classmates

Coming into this MBA program, I knew I wanted to work on the west coast. So I joined the West Coast Networking Club and visited technology companies through their Technology Trek.  We visited companies such as Google, VMware, Cisco Systems, Accenture, IBM, and so forth.  Actual visits to these companies really allowed me to visualize myself working there and I was able to get an “inside scoop” from managers who worked there.  This was a unique opportunity to see more of the real world and introduce myself to technology companies. 

Lastly, I wanted to mention that I have never been more challenged to push myself to the next level than I am in the MBA program.  An MBA is a balancing act of career search, academics, clubs, interview preparations, networking, and fun.  Throughout this process, I have appreciated the support I have received from my fellow classmates and friends.  When we can help each other to succeed together, we see how everyone is in a win-win scenario.  Without a doubt, I could not have survived my first semester without the help of very intelligent and insightful friends. 

Masato Muso is a 1st Year General MBA, focusing on a marketing concentration. 

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