Making The Most of Your First Semester

Hey class of 2013, you’re finally here! Pre-term is flying by and next week the second years will join you at SMG. You have your calendar for the semester and opportunities and assignments are multiplying at exponential rates. So here is a little unsolicited advice.

1. Remember What’s Most Important

You will have to juggle academic, career, and social responsibilities, so take some time over the long weekend to remind yourself of the reasons you decided to get an MBA. Use these goals to help you choose which opportunities to take advantage of and which ones to turn down.

Do not let the quest for the best grades shape your semester or you might miss out on key networking opportunities and memorable life experiences.

Have fun. You are going to work really hard, but you are also going to become close friends with the amazing people in your cohort. If you realize that you have spent two weeks in the library, it is time to take a break and explore Boston with friends, or do an informational interview at one of your target companies.

2. Take Advantage of Resources at SMG

One of SMG’s greatest assets is the personalized attention that you can receive. So after you choose a career community, go visit the faculty director and ask him/her to introduce you people who are working at your target companies.

Also network with your classmates and with second years . . . we can not wait to meet you.

You all know this by now, but we have one of the most approachable Deans ever. So introduce yourself.

In short, settle in and make yourself at home!

Post by:

Anya Thomas

MBA & PNP candidate 2012

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