MBA Time Machine

(above) Ajay and other Cohort D students enjoy their trip to Guatemala

Post By Ajay Mehta
MBA Candidate 2011

MBA Time Machine

Two years of school in the middle of my career was the perfect break from the working world. It was tough to adjust to the no-income student lifestyle but looking back it was one of the best decisions to advance my career and grow as a professional. BU was able to give me the tools necessary to succeed, but I think that’s only part of the business school experience. For me it was the group of friends and team members I will keep in touch with throughout my career, as well as travelling with them across the world learning about business and experiencing different cultures. From drinking Gallo in Guatemala to climbing the Great Wall, all of these experiences have shaped me as a person and as a leader.

As corny as it sounds, it did change my outlook on life and help me organize my career. Looking at my classmates and the wide variety of career and job possibilities let me really understand what I want in life and my next opportunity.

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