1st Year MBAs feel like Freshmen, 2nd Year MBAs feel like Seniors
[Post by Jesse Brooks, MS-MBA Class of 2010]
It is hard to believe how much you grow up as an MBA, over the course of a summer. One 10-12 week internship and possibly a few weeks of vacation, turns any 1st year MBA into a seasoned 2nd year.
When reuniting with my classmates, there was a mutual understanding that we now have to take on the role of educated, slightly confident, and generally all knowledgable 2nd years. While this may seem like Dazed and Confused, this natural development cycle benefits everyone.
As 1st years take their first steps into SMG, then learn how to crawl in the Career Toolkit course, the 2nd years are ready to help out during terrible twos and awkward teenage years. With first hand experience in dealing with the first semester integrated project and the intense internship search, the 2nd years want to pass their knowledge on and give the 1st years the inside tips for success.
Though we 2nd years may walk tall and carry large laptops, we are friendly and here to help. Asking questions and getting the inside knowledge can only help to slow down the fast paced life of a 1st Year Boston University MBA Student.