New Year, New Routine, New People
[Post by Tyler Alrup, MBA Class of 2010]
As much as I loved my internship and the city of San Francisco, the excitement for MBA year 2 was always in the back of my mind. After all, last year’s 2nd-years raved about their newfound freedom and, in many cases, early job offers. More importantly, I was looking forward to seeing old friends, making new ones, and settling into a nice little routine.
So far….so good. The first two weeks back were a whirlwind of spending nights out with old friends and learning as many 1st-years’ names as possible. Although fun, this was not the most *sustainable* routine. Class quickly arrived to smack my brain back into shape and make sure I quickly shook off a summer’s cobwebs. Now roughly three weeks into the semester, a new routine is taking shape.
In addition to academics, my responsibilities as a Graduate Assistant in Admissions and as MBA Council President have added layers to this year’s experience. Add in social activities, intramural sports, and that little endeavor called a career search and well—-I do not have a surplus of free time. This new routine is similar but slightly different than the old version and promises to offer new challenges and memorable stories for future enjoyment.
One more (literally) tiny update: I am now an uncle for the second time, welcoming Kelsey Elizabeth Altrup into the world.