The end of another chapter …
[Post by Julien Lee, MBA Class of 2009]
As of 3:30 pm yesterday, I finished classes for my MBA. From the looks of it, this may be the last time I ever take classes towards a degree. Getting a doctorate just isn’t in the cards for me, but that’s what I said about getting a masters degree, so I’m not going to say it won’t ever happen …
The end was very bittersweet. There was a feeling of jubilation among my classmates that classes were finally over, but to be honest, I don’t think it will really hit us all until finals are done and we are crossing that stage at commencement getting our diploma. The last two years have been a whirlwind. Everything people say about the MBA experience is true: you learn more than you could imagined about yourself, others and the business world, time flies by in a blink of an eye, and you create relationships and networks that you will carry with you for a lifetime. I’m going to miss seeing the same people day in and day out that have shared so many memories with me over the last two years. Many are staying in the Boston area post-graduation, but many are dispersing to the various corners of the U.S. and the world. I hope that the popularity of social networking will keep us connected via facebook, linked in and twitter! :)
I am excited for school to be over and for me to start another chapter in my life. I’m thrilled to start working again, especially getting a paycheck! With that said, it’s a very scary world out there right now. Chrysler filing chapter 11, swine flu outbreak, unemployment at an all time high and home values at an all time low … yet, the general sentiment in my class is one of hope and resiliency. We have been well-prepared to enter the real world again through our MBA education at BU and know that the school and its staff and faculty will be there for us should we need to reach out again for further support.
So let the festivities begin! MBA Talent Show tonight with points going towards our Cohort Cup Competition among the full-time cohorts … Fenway Park tour with the MBA Ambassadors (current students who work with the Graduate Admissions Office … 2nd year party … lunch at Dean Lataif’s home … and the list goes on!
Until next time,