Charles Altieri (English, University of California-Berkeley)
Rita Felski (English, University of Virginia; Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark)
Philip Fisher (English & Comparative Literature, Harvard University)
John Gibson (Philosophy, University of Louisville)
Lydia Goehr (Philosophy, Columbia University)
Robert Guay (Philosophy, Binghamton University)
Andrew Miller (English, Johns Hopkins University)
Alexander Nehamas (Philosophy, Humanities, Comparative Literature, Princeton University)
Yi-Ping Ong (Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University)
Monique Roelofs (Philosophy, Hampshire College)
Allen Speight (Philosophy, Boston University)
Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge (Modern Languages, German, University of Tennessee)
The conference is being organized by Rob Chodat (English; Boston Univerisity) and Richard Eldridge (Philosophy; Swarthmore College).