Devin Lucas Receives 2nd Place Award for Best Oral Presentation at the ESSD 2024 Annual Congress

Devin Lucas presenting her research at ESSD 2024
Devin Lucas presenting her research at the ESSD 14th annual congress in September 2024.

We are proud to announce that Devin Lucas, a research coordinator in the OTO-COATI lab, has received the 2nd Place Award for Best Oral Presentation at the prestigious European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) 14th Annual Congress. The event took place from September 23-27, 2024, and brought together leading researchers and clinicians from around the world to share innovative research in the field of swallowing disorders.

Devin presented her project entitled “Identifying the Association between Post-Extubation Laryngeal Edema and Aspiration in Acute Respiratory Failure Patients,” which was co-authored by Dr. Ryan Peterson, Mitali Sakharkar, Winston Liu, Alix Rubio, Dr. Marc Moss, and Dr. Gintas Krisciunas. This award recognizes the quality and impact of their research, which is poised to meaningfully contribute to the understanding of post-extubation complications in critically ill patients.

Devin presenting her research at ESSD 2024

Congratulations to Devin and the team for this outstanding achievement!

You can learn more about the OTO-COATI lab’s research on acute respiratory failure here.