5/28 Towards a Weight Inclusive Public Health: Understanding Weight Stigma

Thursday, May 28, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET


NEPHTC is presenting a two-part series Towards a Weight Inclusive Public Health. In the first webinar, we will learn about the history and status of weight stigma within public health and healthcare settings. The second webinar will focus on several case studies to help us identify weight stigma in epidemiological research.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define weight stigma as the devaluation of fatness and fat people
  • Describe how weight stigma functions as a social determinant of health
  • Explain how weight stigma mediates relationships between fatness and poor health outcomes
  • Analyze how the construct of “obesity” naturalizes the health consequences of weight stigma as integral to fat embodiment
  • Illustrate the weight stigmatizing consequences of “obesity prevention” as a public health priority

Part 1 contains some similar information and updates to last year’s Anti-Fatness in Public Health, available as a recording. Part 2: Applications and Limitations will be offered on July 23 at 12 PM.

Stay Tuned for a Recording of the Webinar!