9/26 Vaccine Management & Immunizations, Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program, and the Do’s & Don’ts of Vaccine Clinics

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST


Public Health Nurses in Massachusetts have a vast and varied accounting of job responsibilities, position descriptions and dedicated hours for PHN services.  The one hour webinars will provide an introduction into the three areas of concentration for PHNs in MA: Infectious Disease, Immunizations and Emergency Preparedness with resources clearly identified through membership in the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses; the only state recognized Public Health Nursing Organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the required vaccines for different age groups and where the latest immunization schedule can be located
  • Describe the VFC program and state supplied immunizations and the requirements to use them
  • Identify the steps and process of a vaccination clinic
  • Identify community partners who can assist the PHN with vaccine clinics now and in the future.