Umatter webinar: 60 minutes to learn how to save a life


Calling leaders and program managers working in the community! NEPHTC is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar that is worth 60 minutes of your time.  In this webinar, the Center for Health and Learning, Vermont experts in suicide prevention, educate professionals that work within communities about how they can act as a follow the Umatter three-step process for responding to suicidal behavior.

What you’ll learn:

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Provide basic information about suicide
  • Describe language to be used when discussing suicide
  • Identify protective, risk factors and warning signs
  • State the Umatter three-step process for responding to suicidal behavior
  • Refer others to resources, additional training and next steps for building a suicide prevention-prepared community

To learn more, view webinar information here.