Webinar: Green & Healthy Homes Initiative: Successful Cross-Sector Collaboration

The Connecticut Partnership for Public Health Workforce Development and Connecticut Department of Health are working with Yale School of Public Health on an exciting Webinar!

Thursday, March 23, 2018 from 12-1:30pm, the webinar explores the successful cross-sector collaboration model of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI), a national organization dedicated to breaking the link between unhealthy housing and unhealthy children. The GHHI model replaces stand-alone housing intervention programs with an integrated, whole-house approach. Learn about this successful model of cross-sector collaboration that has improved health, economic and social outcomes for families and communities across the country.


Register: http://www.nephtc.org/course/view.php?id=75

By the end of the webinar participants will be able to:

Describe the mission and goals of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI)
Explain how the GHHI “no wrong door” model can remove bureaucratic boundaries and provide benefits on the systems and family levels
List at least three examples of local level GHHI projects that have brought together innovative funding to bring measurable improvements to health and housing
Recall where you can go to learn more about GHHI and CT’s GHHI project