On Divine Punishment 1 (Kuuɗe Lette 1)

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Title On Divine Punishment 1 (Kuuɗe Lette 1)
Author or Owner Thierno Sire Bah (author), El Hadj Mouhamadou Sall (owner)
Subject Punishment, Faith, God, Sin
Content This poem discusses different kinds of divine punishment for sinners. The poem’s theme is centered around faith and transgression, righteousness and the consequences of wickedness. The author suggests that doing what is righteous is what defines faith and that punishment awaits those whose behavior and intentions are not righteous. He offers advice for how to avoid punishment in the afterlife, including the need to do the hard work of proper Islamic practice. He notes that God’s wisdom guides all to righteousness and that those who ignore it bring danger upon themselves. A prayer is also addressed to multiple persons. It starts with asking God to bless the leader, Cerno Ahmadu Jaawo Balde. Protection for all disciples and scholars is invoked. Men, women, the elderly, and children are included in the prayer. Then God is implored for the bestowal of mercy and grace. Next, admonitions against various sins (adultery, pride, and more), hypocrisy, and other human flaws are given. The author notes that, if kings or leaders fail to make sincere prayers, then their payment is hellfire. If one prays and ends up hurting others, punishment will follow. Whoever you are, you must pray the proper way to get your reward after death. The text notes that it is particularly important to engage in proper behavior on the way to and at the mosque. It is also noted that good deeds cause the angels to spread their wings and protect people from divine punishment. The author also writes of the importance of treating all people equally, regardless of their place or birth or social status. There are many other admonitions to avoid improper behavior for individuals from a variety of categories and professions.
Genre Poetry
Language Fuuta Jalon Fula
Script Fuuta Jalon Fula Ajami
Manuscript condition Good, though with some fraying around the edges
Type Handwritten
Publisher Unpublished
Provenance Labe, Fuuta Jalon, Guinea
Source Reference Mouhamadou L. Diallo and Fallou Ngom. 2016. African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Fuuta Jalon Pular Ajami Manuscripts: https://open.bu.edu/handle/2144/18693
Access condition and copyright These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu).
Contributors Fallou Ngom, David Robinson, Mouhamadou L. Diallo, David Glovsky,  Boubacar Biro Diallo, Ndieme Sow, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, Omar Diallo, Eric Schmidt, Alison Parker, Frank Antonelli, Shawn Provencal, and Mark Lewis.
Required citation information Fallou Ngom (PI), Mouhamadou L. Diallo, David Glovsky, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, Boubacar Biro Diallo, Ndieme Sow, and other contributors. 2022. “On Divine Punishment 1.” http://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/fula/fula-manuscripts/kuude-lette-1/


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Transcription and Translations

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