Mustapha Hashim Kurfi
Boston University, Hausa Language Team Consultant

- Title Boston University, Hausa Language Team Consultant
Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi is a Senior Lecturer at Bayero University, Kano- Nigeria. He has a doctorate in Sociology from Boston University (2018). A Hausa native speaker, who has written extensively in Hausa language and Hausa Ajami, he has a dual Master’s – one in Sociology from Bayero University, Kano (2008) and another – an M. A. in International Studies from Ohio University, Athens (2010). During his graduate studies in the United States, Mustapha Kurfi served as a Senior Teaching Fellow at both African Studies Centres of Ohio University and Boston University. He is among the leading scholars in Ajami and especially Hausa Ajami. He has contributed to the digitization of thousands of Ajami manuscripts hosted at the African Ajami Libraries of Boston University. Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi is the author of Jagoran Koyan Hausa Ajami a Aiwace (A Practical Guide to Learning Hausa Ajami, 2017) and Littafin Koyan Hausa Ajami don Lafiyar Al’umma (Hausa Ajami Workbook for Public Health, 2019 – forthcoming), both published by the African Languages Program of the African Studies Centre, Boston University.