Category: News

AMS and SEM news

November 6th, 2013 in Conference, News

Several of our members will be participating in the upcoming national meeting of the American Musicological Society and Society for Ethnomusicology.


Jeannette Jones will present “Lyrics in the Air: The Role of Music Videos in Deaf Culture”, at a session titled “Music and Disability on Screen” Thursday November 7th from 8-11:00 pm. She will also be serving as student representative to the AMS Council for the New England Chapter.

Robert Crowe, soprano, will give a concert, “Carissimi to Croft: The Influence of the Italian Solo Motet in English Sacred Solo Music of the Restoration,” Friday, November 8th, 2-3:30pm, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 328 Sixth Avenue. Robert will be accompanied by Peter Sykes, organo portative, and Victor Coelho, theorbo, both of Boston University.


Andrea Lieberherr Douglass will present “The performance of cultural tourism in the Appenzell, Switzerland”  in the session called “Challenges of Cultural Heritage” on Thursday, November 14th at 10:45-12:15 .

Karl Haas will present “Music and Matter, Time and Space: Considerations of the Materiality of a West African Performance Tradition” at 3:15 pm on Thursday, November 14th.

Ulrike Prager will present “When Loss Sounds: Forced Migration and the New German Sonic Homeland” at 8:30 am on Friday, November 15th.

Amanda Daly Berman is chairing the Celtic Music SIG (Special Interest Group) and has been elected to the SEM Student Union as a Member-at-Large.

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Spring 2013 Graduates

May 30th, 2013 in Alumni, Milestones, News

We congratulate this spring's graduates!

Basil Considine, PhD in Historical Musicology and Ethnomusicology (double concentration)







  • Basil's dissertation: Priests, Pirates, Opera Singers, and Slaves: Séga and European Art Music in Mauritius, 'The Little Paris of the Indian Ocean." This sweeping musical history and ethnography of Mauritius describes the evolution of music on this island in the southern Indian Ocean from its first human colonization in the 17th century to its present day – a chronicle brimming with anecdotes of pirates, drunken priests, colorful opera singers, runaway slaves, and more. (abstract available online)
  • Basil has been selected as a participant for the 2013 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute "Empires and Interactions across the Early Modern World, 1400–1800."

Megan Ross, MMus, Historical musicology

  • Megan's thesis: The Second Finale of Beethoven's String Quartets Opus 130: A Study of the Composer Score and Autograph Manuscript.
  • Megan will begin the PhD program in musicology at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the fall.
Megan Ross graduateMegan Ross (right) and Stephanie Burke (left), MMus., flute

Kate Stringer, MMus, Historical musicology

  • Kate's thesis, Subverted Modernism: Korngold's Die Tote Stadt.