Volunteers Needed

Hip Structure and Function in Females

We are looking for females to participate in our ongoing studies! If you are a young female between the ages of 8-17 years old and you play ice hockey, soccer, or are recreationally active, you may qualify for one of our studies. If you are an adult female between the ages of 18-30 and you are (or have a history of being) an ice hockey player, soccer player, runner, or dancer, you may also qualify for one of our studies.

Our goal is to capture how females move so that we can study the movements that effect hip bone shape.

Those who choose to participate may be ask to 1) participate in a test of their movement and have an MRI of their hips done at Boston University, 2) wear a small device that records motion at home for 1 week, and 3) complete questionnaires. Participants will need to meet certain eligibility criteria in order to participate. Eligible participants will be compensated for their time.

If you or your child is interested in participating in our study, or would like to learn more, please contact our study staff at HipStudy@bu.edu or (617) 358-1092. You many also scan the QR code below to complete our eligibility form!