
PhD Candidate Jing-Sheng Li Successfully Defends Doctoral Dissertation

March 29th, 2018

Jing-Sheng Li, our PhD candidate, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation today on March 29, 2018. His dissertation was titled Knee Joint Kinematics Before and After Body Weight Change and examined the effects of obesity on knee joint biomechanics. He is Dr. Cara Lewis's second PhD candidate to complete a dissertation defense this month alone.

Congratulations, Jing-Sheng!

PhD Candidate Kari Loverro Successfully Defends Her Doctoral Dissertation

March 22nd, 2018

Kari Loverro, our PhD candidate, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation yesterday on March 21, 2018. Her dissertation, titled Variability and Local Dynamic Stability During Gait - An Investigation of Military Relevant Load Carriage and Hip Pathology, examined the biomechanical effects of military-relevant loads and speeds on male and female soldiers.

Congratulations, Kari!

PhD Candidate Jing-Sheng Li Awarded Force & Motion/ORS Young Scientist Travel Grant

March 14th, 2018

Jing-Sheng Li was recently awarded the Force & Motion/ORS Young Scientist Travel Grant at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2018 Annual Meeting held in New Orleans, LA from March 10-13, 2018. ORS has partnered with the Force & Motion Foundation to promote and support US and international young investigators in the field of orthopaedics. The award, provided by the Force & Motion Foundation, is presented to an ORS member in good standing with the accepted abstract to be presented at the ORS annual meeting related to multi-axis force measurement and testing.

The awarded abstract was titled, "Obesity Altered Condylar Motion during Gait."

Congratulations, Jing-Sheng!



Jing-Sheng Li with his Force & Motion/ORS Young Scientist Travel Grant award



HAL Welcomes Matt and Nicole

March 12th, 2018

We'd like to welcome and introduce two of our newest lab members! Matt Figucia and Nicole McClellan will be joining HAL as undergraduate research assistants this semester. Matt and Nicole are juniors that are majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Human Physiology, respectively.

Welcome, Matt and Nicole!