Category: News Watch the Way you Walk

Cara Lewis featured on Expert quote: “They may not be pushing with their foot as much as they should be or they may be taking too long of a step, so their leg ends up far behind them.’’ View full article.

Assistant Professor Cara Lewis Receives Peter Paul Award

Cara Lewis featured in BU Today. Expert quote: “The computer system picks up the marker positions and then can re-create a model of the skeleton…From that we can tell differences in angles and figure out when we want to apply the robotic force, and how much.” View full article.

The Race for a Nimble Old Age

Cara Lewis featured in Inside Sargent magazine. Expert quote: “That’s the population [20- and 30-somethings] to target. If you change the way they’re walking now, you can change their pain after they already have a tear—or maybe change it before they get the tear.” View full article.