MDP Bridge Projects

Thank you for your interest in the MDP Bridge projects.  General information about this program can be found here.

Budget template can be found here.

To apply for an MDP Accelerator project, the following documents need to be submitted by June 7, 2024:

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Provide a clear description of the work and how it synergizes with the research themes of the MDP. The submission is limited to two pages, single-spaced, 11 pt font; you may add an additional page for references. Include the following sections: i) Team Members (PIs and trainees) ii) Research Aims iii) Approach iv) Planned grant submission(s), including a brief outline the grant aims and an explanation of how the proposed project will enable the grant application.
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Include at least one grant submission as a Milestone. Please design the scope of the project so that you: i) Maximize potential to compete for outside funding, ii) Provide compelling rationale for investment in the project, and iii) Minimize the time and resources required to achieve that goal.
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Download template here. The budget period for this Bridge Project begins July 1, 2024. Using the template, please indicate how the funds will be allocated across: i) Personnel ii) Research-related costs (i.e., research supplies) iii) Equipment iv) Other
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Please describe how the funds will be managed and distributed.

If you have any questions or problems submitting your documents, please contact Joshua Finkelstein at jfinkels [at]