Feature Descriptions
The following features were evaluated for the LMS Feature Comparison Chart. The features include a list of common tools and functionality found in most learning management systems.
- Ability to post documents – The system allows for the option to upload documents to the course (MS Word, Excel, PDFs, etc.) to be accessible and easily distributed to other users of the course.
- Creating Folders – Content can be organized and grouped into sections using folders or a similar option.
- Posting Announcements – Notifications and emails that are sent to students from within the course. Typically announcements are time-sensitive messages (i.e. Class is cancelled).
- Posting Assignments – Ability to create a space within a course to allow students to submit work. In general, the assignment feature is linked to a grade.
- Digital Dropbox – File repository system that allows students and instructors to place documents in a folder within the course. Typically the digital drop box is not connected to any sort of grade system.
- Creating Groups – Users of the course can be grouped together for collaboration on projects.
- Assessments – Tests, surveys and pools that assess a student’s learning.
- Incorporating media such as videos and audio – Media that is easily linked to a course and accessible by students. Media file formats include but are not limited to .mp4, .mov, .mp3.
- Grade Center – Tool used to organize and manage grades to be distributed to students.
- Discussion Forums – Tool used to create online dialog between students and instructors. Instructors generally create forums in which students respond to through threads.
- Email (internal and external) – Used to send messages from within a course to members. External emails are sent to a user’s email inbox (such as Outlook) whereas internal messages remain within the course.
- Collaboration Tools (Blogs, Journals, Chat, Wiki) – Tools used for student engagement where they can share course materials and content.
- Course Calendar – Used to manage and create events related to class activities.
- Course Statistics – Offers information on how content is accessed in addition to user information.
- Integration to third party tools (TurningTechnologies, Echo360, Turnitin) – Links to tools with various levels of integration.
- Mobile – Ability to be easily accessible via a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet.
- Adaptive or Responsive Design – Ability to view content easily with minimal scrolling, zooming.