Author: Elizabeth Coppock

Paper officially accepted at Language!

Our large cross-linguistic study on the interpretation of quantity superlatives has officially been accepted for publication at Language! We are very excited. The paper, entitled Universals in Superlative Semantics, and authored by Elizabeth Coppock, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten, and Golsa Nouri-Hosseini, reports on the results of a broad cross-linguistic study on the semantics of quantity words such […]

Poster accepted at ELM!

Danielle Dionne and Elizabeth Coppock have had their abstract accepted as a poster at the very first Experiments in Linguistic Meaning conference, to be held in Philadelphia. The title of the submission is: Tattoos as a window onto cross-linguistic differences in scalar implicature From one of the reviews: “This poster is NOT about tattoos, much […]

Danielle Dionne presents at LSA!

Danielle Dionne presented her fascinating research on cross-linguistic pragmatic differences at the LSA conference in New Orleans! The slides are available here.

Congratulations Alex Acosta on UROP award!

Alex Acosta has received an award through UROP to pursue an original research project on polarity particles. Specifically, he will be investigating cases where “yeah” and “no” co-occur, as in: “Yeah no, I agree”.

Anastasiia Tatlubaeva receives UROP award

Anastasiia Tatlubaeva received a UROP award for Fall 2019! She will be studying superlatives in Slavic, especially the morphosyntax of universal standards in superlative constructions in Russian (vsekh vs. vsego).

Danielle Dionne to give LSA talk in New Orleans, January 2020

Danielle Dionne and Elizabeth Coppock submitted an abstract for the Linguistic Society of America’s Annual Meeting in New Orleans, January 2020 and it was ACCEPTED as a TALK! Go us! We will be presenting in the Experimental Pragmatics session on Sunday January 5th, 11am-12:30pm. The title of our talk is: “Cross-linguistic pragmatic differences as a […]

Posters presented at CUNY, XPRAG and XPRAG-ADJ

Joint experimental work with Helena Aparicio on the pragmatics and processing of Haddock Descriptions containing gradable modifiers (e.g. “the rabbit in the big/bigger hat”) was presented at three venues recently: – the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference – XPRAG – XPRAG-ADJ

First European tour of the summer successful!

Elizabeth Coppock has just returned from Potsdam, Germany where she gave a keynote address at the International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian concerning object agreement. Prior to that, she was in Utrecht for a dissertation defense, where she presented new experimental results on modified numerals. Joint work with Helena Aparicio and Roger Levy on […]